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Fast charging of a quantum battery assisted by noise
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1103/physreva.104.032207
Srijon Ghosh , Titas Chanda , Shiladitya Mal , Aditi Sen(De)

We investigate the performance of a quantum battery exposed to local Markovian and non-Markovian dephasing noises. The battery is initially prepared as the ground state of a one-dimensional transverse XY model with open boundary condition and is charged (discharged) via interactions with local bosonic reservoirs. We show that in the transient regime, the quantum battery (QB) can store energy faster and has a higher maximum extractable work, quantified via ergotropy, when it is affected by local phase-flip or bit-flip Markovian noise compared to the case when there is no noise in the system. In both the charging and discharging processes, we report the enhancement in work output as well as in ergotropy when all the spins are affected by a non-Markovian Ohmic bath in both the transient and the steady-state regimes, thereby showing a counterintuitive advantage of decoherence in the QB. In both Markovian and non-Markovian cases, we identify the system parameters and the corresponding noise models which lead to maximum enhancement of work output and ergotropy. Moreover, we show that the benefit due to noise persists even with the initial state being prepared at a moderate temperature.



我们研究了暴露于局部马尔可夫和非马尔可夫移相噪声的量子电池的性能。电池最初准备为一维横向的基态X具有开放边界条件的模型,并通过与局部玻色子储层的相互作用充电(放电)。我们表明,在瞬态状态下,量子电池(QB)可以更快地存储能量并具有更高的最大可提取功,通过ergotropy量化,当它受到局部相位翻转或位翻转马尔可夫噪声的影响时,与以下情况相比系统中没有噪音。在充电和放电过程中,当所有自旋在瞬态和稳态状态下都受到非马尔可夫欧姆浴的影响时,我们报告了功输出和麦角效应的增强,从而显示出违反直觉的优势QB 中的退相干。在马尔可夫和非马尔可夫情况下,我们确定了系统参数和相应的噪声模型,从而最大程度地提高了工作输出和ergotropy。此外,我们表明即使在中等温度下准备初始状态,噪声带来的好处仍然存在。