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Assessment of the impacts of social capital on the profit of shrimp farming production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Aquaculture Economics & Management ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2021.1947414
Duong The Duy 1 , Trinh Quoc Trung 2, 3 , Thai Huynh Phuong Lan 3, 4 , Håkan Berg 5 , Chau Thi Da 6


This study assesses capital assets and factors influencing on farmers’ decision to participate in social networks, and how these contribute to and affect household’s profits of small-scale shrimp farmers in four coastal provinces in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Data was collected through observations, and informal discussions and interviews with 350 small-scale shrimp farmer households. The results show that farmer’s age, education of household head, dependency ratio, village residence time, village population density are important factors influencing positively on shrimp farmers´ participation in social networks. The study also shows that contacts with fisheries association, traders, wholesale agencies, trust, household savings, labors’ education, household’s agricultural land size, post larvae quality and equipment significantly influenced on the profit variable with 1–10%. The results also indicate that a 10% increase in social capital would bring an increase in household income of 3.9%.




本研究评估了资本资产和影响农民参与社交网络的决定的因素,以及这些因素如何影响和影响越南湄公河三角洲四个沿海省份小规模虾农的家庭利润。数据是通过观察、非正式讨论和对 350 个小规模养虾户的访谈收集的。结果表明,养殖户的年龄、户主受教育程度、抚养比、村庄居住时间、村庄人口密度是对虾农参与社会网络的重要影响因素。研究还表明,与渔业协会、贸易商、批发机构、信托、家庭储蓄、劳动力教育、家庭农业用地规模、后期幼虫质量和设备对利润变量有 1-10% 的显着影响。结果还表明,社会资本每增加 10%,家庭收入将增加 3.9%。
