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Using cultural-ecological theory to construct a mid-range theory for the development of gratitude as a virtue
Journal of Family Theory & Review ( IF 3.833 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-08 , DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12432
Jonathan R. H. Tudge 1 , Jessica L. Navarro 1 , Ayse Payir 2 , Elisa A. Merçon‐Vargas 1 , Hongjian Cao 3 , Nan Zhou 3 , Yue Liang 4 , Sara Mendonça 5

Gratitude scholarship, whether in the close relationships or developmental literature, currently lacks a coherent framework. The term gratitude is used for a wide variety of constructs, and there is rarely a clear link between conceptualization and operationalization. We think that gratitude should be considered a moral virtue, involving the desire to reciprocate in some kind or helpful way to one's intentional benefactors. Our goal is thus to provide a mid-range theoretical framework for the study of the development of gratitude as a virtue. The theory from which this framework is derived is cultural-ecological theory.


