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Ecology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3524

Erratum for Cross, R. L., and Eckert, C. G. 2021. Long-term persistence of experimental populations beyond a species' natural range. Ecology 102:e03432. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3432.

In the published version of the above-referenced article, the captions for Figs. 2 and 3 were transposed and placed under the incorrect figure image. We apologize to our readers for this error.

The complete captions referencing the correct figure numbers are listed below.

Fig. 2. (a) Back-transformed mean (±SE) density, (b) back-transformed probability (±1 binomial SE) of an individual being reproductive, and (c) back-transformed mean (±SE) reproductive output varied among the five transplant sites and among sampling rounds through the 2017 growing season. Thirty individuals per transplant site were sampled per round. Numbers in site codes are distances from the range limit (in km), E0 is the range-edge transplant site, and B60 (diamond symbols) is the beyond-range transplant population.

Fig. 3. Annual reproductive output of Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia planted beyond the northern range limit (diamond symbols) was not lower than at four transplant sites (square symbols) nor consistently lower at eight natural populations (circle symbols) within the range 12, 13, and 14 yr after transplanting. Points are back-transformed mean (±SE) estimated fruit production per plant. Points for 2017 and 2019 are based on 30 reproductive individuals/site, while those from 2018 are based on 10–33 (mean = 19.9) reproductive individuals. Sites are ordered left to right from south to north. Numbers in site codes are distances from the range limit (in km). Vertical dashed line shows the northern range limit. Asterisks (*) indicate sites where fruit production was higher than at B60, crosses (x) indicate sites where fruit production was lower than at B60 (*/x P < 0.05, **/xx P < 0.01, ***/xxx P < 0.001 based on Dunnett’s test). Both source and transplant sites at W133 in 2019 were lower than B60 (P < 0.001).



Cross、RL 和 Eckert 的勘误表,CG 2021。实验种群超出物种自然范围的长期持久性。生态学102:e03432。https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3432。

在上述参考文章的已出版版本中,图的标题。2 和 3 被转置并放置在不正确的图形图像下。对于这个错误,我们向读者道歉。


图2。(a) 反向转换的平均 (±SE) 密度,(b) 一个个体生殖的反向转换概率(±1 二项式 SE),以及(c)反向转换的平均(±SE)繁殖输出在五个之间变化移植地点和整个 2017 年生长季节的采样轮次。每个移植部位每轮采样 30 个人。站点代码中的数字是距范围限制的距离(以公里为单位),E0 是范围边缘移植站点,B60(菱形符号)是超出范围的移植种群。

图3Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia的年繁殖产量在移植后 12、13 和 14 年的范围内,超出北部范围限制(菱形符号)种植的 不低于四个移植地点(方形符号),也不低于 8 个自然种群(圆形符号)。点是反变换平均 (±SE) 估计的每株植物的果实产量。2017 年和 2019 年的点数基于 30 个生殖个体/站点,而 2018 年的点数基于 10-33(平均值 = 19.9)个生殖个体。站点从南到北从左到右排列。站点代码中的数字是与范围限制的距离(以公里为单位)。垂直虚线显示北部范围限制。星号 (*) 表示水果产量高于 B60 的地点,十字 (x) 表示水果产量低于 B60 的地点 (*/x P < 0.05, **/xxP < 0.01,***/xxx P < 0.001 基于 Dunnett 检验)。2019 年 W133 的来源和移植部位均低于 B60(P < 0.001)。
