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Stopping-power enhancement from discrete particle-wake correlations in high-energy-density plasmas
Physical Review E ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1103/physreve.104.035203
I N Ellis 1, 2 , D J Strozzi 1 , W B Mori 2, 3 , F Li 3 , F R Graziani 1

Three-dimensional (3D) simulations of electron beams propagating in high-energy-density plasmas using the quasistatic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) code QuickPIC demonstrate a significant increase in stopping power when beam electrons mutually interact via their wakes. Each beam electron excites a plasma wave wake of wavelength 2πc/ωpe, where c is the speed of light and ωpe is the background plasma frequency. We show that a discrete collection of electrons undergoes a beam-plasma-like instability caused by mutual particle-wake interactions that causes electrons to bunch in the beam, even for beam densities nb for which fluid theory breaks down. This bunching enhances the beam's stopping power, which we call “correlated stopping,” and the effect increases with the “correlation number” Nbnb(c/ωpe)3. For example, a beam of monoenergetic 9.7 MeV electrons with Nb=1/8, in a cold background plasma with ne=1026cm3 (450 g cm3 DT), has a stopping power of 2.28±0.04 times the single-electron value, which increases to 1220±5 for Nb=64. The beam also experiences transverse filamentation, which eventually limits the stopping enhancement.



使用准静态细胞内粒子 (PIC) 代码 QuickPIC 对在高能量密度等离子体中传播的电子束进行的三维 (3D) 模拟表明,当束电子通过尾迹相互作用时,停止能力显着增加。每个束电子激发波长的等离子体波尾流2πC/ω电子, 在哪里 C 是光速和 ω电子是背景等离子体频率。我们表明,离散的电子集合会经历由相互粒子尾迹相互作用引起的类似束等离子体的不稳定性,导致电子在束中聚集,即使对于束密度也是如此n流体理论因此而崩溃。这种聚束增强了光束的停止能力,我们称之为“相关停止”,并且效果随着“相关数”的增加而增加Nn(C/ω电子)3. 例如,一束单能 9.7 MeV 电子N=1/8, 在冷背景等离子体中 n电子=1026厘米-3 (450 克 厘米-3 DT),有一个停止能力 2.28±0.04 乘以单电子值,增加到 1220±5 为了 N=64. 光束还经历横向成丝,这最终限制了停止增强。