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Angel in the House, Angel in the Scientific Empire: Women and Colonial Botany During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2020.0046
Jiang Hong 1

‘Angel in the house’ is an idealized icon of Victorian women, who unconditionally loved, supported and submitted to their husbands. Borrowing this metaphor, I discuss three kinds of angels in colonial botany, which was intrinsically patriarchal. The first consists of metropolitan women, who never travelled, but celebrated and consumed trophies of colonial botany in their domestic life in Europe, such as planting exotics in backyards, cooking foreign diets in kitchens, reading botanical and travel literature, collecting foreign specimens in cabinets and sponsoring naturalists. The second covers elegant botanical wives in colonies, accomplished in domestic responsibilities while engaging in botany as polite learning. The third is made up of voyaging botanical women, exempted from domestic responsibilities and completely devoted to botany. These angels often corresponded with elite botanists, botanized under their instruction and made contributions to botanical science. All three categories endorsed the agenda of imperialism and their study of botany was facilitated by its power.



