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Evolution and Mass Loss of Cool Aging Stars: A Daedalean Story
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IF 26.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-08 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-astro-090120-033712
Leen Decin 1, 2

A multitude of phenomena—such as the chemical enrichment of the Universe, the mass spectrum of planetary nebulae, white dwarfs and gravitational wave progenitors, the frequency distribution of supernovae, the fate of exoplanets, etc.—are highly regulated by the amounts of mass that stars expel through a powerful wind. For more than half a century, these winds of cool aging stars have been interpreted within the common interpretive framework of 1D models. I here discuss how that framework now appears to be highly problematic.


Current 1D mass-loss rate formulae differ by orders of magnitude, rendering contemporary stellar evolution predictions highly uncertain.





当前的 1D 质量损失率公式存在数量级差异,导致当代恒星演化预测高度不确定。
