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Study into parameters of the dust explosion ignited by an improvised explosion device filled with organic peroxide
Process Safety and Environmental Protection ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2021.09.011
Richard Kuracina 1 , Zuzana Szabová 1 , Marián Škvarka 1

Dust explosion poses a significant hazard in industry. An explosion of dispersed dust can be ignited by an improvised explosive device. The article deals with the study of explosion parameters of representative samples of dispersed dust ignited by an improvised explosive device. Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine was used as an igniter. Lycopodium clavatum spores were used as a standard sample. Furthermore, dust samples were selected from those types of operations that may be endangered if an improvised explosive device is used as an igniter. Wheat flour and beech wood dust were selected as representative samples. The achieved parameters of explosion pressure and explosion constant Kst were on average by 5–15% lower than the parameters achieved when using a commercial igniter. The Pmax value and the inflection point of the explosion record were reached 7–12 ms earlier than those achieved with a commercially available igniter. The findings may be relevant in the design of explosion prevention devices. New types of explosion prevention devices can be designed to reduce the risk of explosion of dispersed combustible dust caused by improvised explosive devices, e.g. in a case of terrorist attack on the objects with the occurrence of dust clouds.



粉尘爆炸对工业造成重大危害。简易爆炸装置可以点燃散落的粉尘爆炸。本文涉及对由简易爆炸装置点燃的分散粉尘的代表性样品的爆炸参数的研究。六亚甲基三过氧化二胺用作点火剂。石松孢子被用作标准样品。此外,如果将简易爆炸装置用作点火器,则从可能危及的作业类型中选择粉尘样本。选择小麦粉和山毛榉木屑作为代表性样品。达到的爆炸压力和爆炸常数 K st参数比使用商业点火器时达到的参数平均低 5-15%。P最大值值和爆炸记录的拐点比使用市售点火器实现的要早 7-12 毫秒。这些发现可能与防爆装置的设计有关。可以设计新型防爆装置以降低简易爆炸装置引起的分散的可燃粉尘爆炸的风险,例如在发生粉尘云的物体遭受恐怖袭击的情况下。
