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How Other- and Self-Compassion Reduce Burnout through Resource Replenishment
Academy of Management Journal ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.5465/amj.2019.0493
Kira Schabram 1 , Yu Tse Heng 2

The average employee feels burnt out, a multidimensional state of depletion likely to persists without intervention. In this paper, we consider compassion as an agentic action by which employees may replenish depleted resources and thereby recover. We draw on conservation of resources theory to examine the resource-generating power of two distinct expressions of compassion (self- and other-directed) on the three dimensions of burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, inefficacy). Utilizing two complimentary designs – a longitudinal field survey of 130 social service providers and an experiential sampling methodology with 100 business students across 10 days – we find a complex pattern of results indicating that both compassion expressions have the potential to generate salutogenic resources (self-control, belonging, self-esteem) that replenish different dimensions of burnout. Specifically, self-compassion remedies exhaustion and other-compassion remedies cynicism‒ directly or indirectly through resources‒, while the effects of self- and other-compassion on inefficacy vary. Our key takeaway is that compassion can indeed contribute to human sustainability in organizations but only when the type of compassion provided generates resources that fit the idiosyncratic experience of burnout.



普通员工会感到精疲力竭,这种多维度的耗竭状态可能会在没有干预的情况下持续存在。在本文中,我们认为同情是一种代理行为,员工可以通过这种行为补充耗尽的资源,从而恢复。我们利用资源保护理论来检验在倦怠的三个维度(精疲力竭、愤世嫉俗、无能)上两种不同的同情表达(自我导向和他人导向)的资源生成能力。利用两个免费设计——对 130 名社会服务提供者的纵向实地调查和对 100 名商科学生进行为期 10 天的体验抽样方法——我们发现了一种复杂的结果模式,表明这两种同情表达都有可能产生有益健康的资源(自我控制) , 归属, 自尊)补充不同维度的倦怠。具体而言,自我慈悲可以直接或间接通过资源来补救犬儒主义,而其他慈悲对无效性的影响各不相同。我们的主要观点是,同情心确实可以促进组织中人类的可持续性,但前提是所提供的同情心类型产生了适合职业倦怠的特殊经历的资源。