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Overcoming Conflict between Symmetric Occupations: How “Creatives” and “Suits” Use Gender Ordering in Advertising
Academy of Management Journal ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.5465/amj.2020.0806
Sharon Koppman 1 , Beth A. Bechky 2 , Andrew C Cohen 3

In knowledge-based organizations, conflict among interdependent occupations can be exacerbated by the absence of a clear hierarchical ordering of these occupations within the organization. Moreover, given women’s inroads into some traditionally male-dominated occupations but not others, these workplaces are increasingly horizontally gender segregated. In this paper, we study how members of these symmetric and segregated occupations manage conflict in U.S. advertising agencies through the case of relationships between ‘creatives’ (copywriters, designers, and creative directors) and ‘suits’ or account practitioners (account executives, strategists, and managers). Creatives and suits are at the same organizational level in their agencies. While creatives are primarily men, suits, traditionally also men, are now primarily women. Drawing on participant observation in five different U.S. advertising agencies and over 100 interviews, we show how creatives and account practitioners use gender ordering to overcome jurisdictional conflict. These practices are grounded in enacting essentialist gender differences that transform symmetric occupational relationships into hierarchical ones by embedding the gender hierarchy. We find that while gender ordering helps women and men in cross-occupational pairs get work done, it also reinforces women’s disadvantage because for women it involves low-status and emotionally-taxing scut work that it does not involve for men.



在以知识为基础的组织中,相互依赖的职业之间的冲突可能会因组织内这些职业缺乏明确的等级排序而加剧。此外,鉴于女性进入了一些传统上由男性主导的职业而不是其他职业,这些工作场所的性别隔离越来越严重。在本文中,我们通过“创意”(文案撰稿人、设计师和创意总监)与“西装”或客户从业人员(客户主管、战略家)之间的关系来研究这些对称和隔离职业的成员如何管理美国广告公司的冲突,和经理)。创意人员和西装在其代理机构中处于同一组织级别。虽然创意主要是男性,但西装,传统上也是男性,现在主要是女性。根据对五家不同美国广告公司的参与者观察和 100 多次采访,我们展示了创意人员和客户从业人员如何使用性别排序来克服管辖权冲突。这些做法的基础是制定本质主义的性别差异,通过嵌入性别等级将对称的职业关系转变为等级关系。我们发现,虽然性别排序有助于跨职业配对中的女性和男性完成工作,但它也加剧了女性的劣势,因为对于女性来说,它涉及对男性而言不涉及的低地位和情感繁重的琐碎工作。这些做法的基础是制定本质主义的性别差异,通过嵌入性别等级将对称的职业关系转变为等级关系。我们发现,虽然性别排序有助于跨职业配对中的女性和男性完成工作,但它也加剧了女性的劣势,因为对于女性来说,它涉及对男性而言不涉及的低地位和情感繁重的琐碎工作。这些做法的基础是制定本质主义的性别差异,通过嵌入性别等级将对称的职业关系转变为等级关系。我们发现,虽然性别排序有助于跨职业配对中的女性和男性完成工作,但它也加剧了女性的劣势,因为对于女性来说,它涉及对男性而言不涉及的低地位和情感繁重的琐碎工作。