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Going Viral or Growing Like an Oak Tree? Towards Sustainable Local Development through Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management Journal ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.5465/amj.2018.0041
Suntae Kim 1 , Anna Kim 2

Nurturing venture-capital-backed, high-growth entrepreneurship has been strongly promoted as an effective means to achieve local development in impoverished places. Yet growing evidence suggests that, despite its notable successes in resource-rich regions, this approach creates limited impact in economically challenged locales. We address this conundrum by calling into question the crux of high-growth entrepreneurship – the pursuit of quick scaling through venture capital financing. Our field research in two entrepreneurship-nurturing organizations in Detroit reveals important heterogeneity in resourcing modes and venture growth in time and space. Specifically, we find that ventures developed through different modes of resourcing (financing vs. local bricolage) grow at different spatiotemporal scales (scaling up towards fast geographical expansion vs. scaling deep towards locally anchored endurance), and consequently generate distinctive yet complementary contributions to their depleted place of origin. Unlike scaling-up ventures whose local impact was explosive yet short-lived, scaling-deep ventures created jobs, products/services, and spillover effects that stayed local and addressed specific local problems. Building on these findings, we challenge the exclusive pursuit of high-growth entrepreneurship for poverty alleviation and suggest that entrepreneurship-driven local development requires cohabitation of ventures growing at varying scales.



大力培育风险投资支持的高成长型创业企业,作为实现贫困地区地方发展的有效手段。然而,越来越多的证据表明,尽管这种方法在资源丰富的地区取得了显着的成功,但对经济困难地区的影响有限。我们通过质疑高增长创业的症结——通过风险资本融资追求快速扩张来解决这个难题。我们对底特律两个创业培育组织的实地研究揭示了资源模式和风险增长在时间和空间上的重要异质性。具体来说,我们发现企业是通过不同的资源模式(融资与融资)发展起来的。local bricolage)在不同的时空尺度上生长(向快速地理扩张方向扩展与向本地锚定耐力方向深入扩展),从而对它们枯竭的起源地产生独特而互补的贡献。与当地影响具有爆炸性但短暂的扩大企业不同,深度扩大企业创造的就业机会、产品/服务和溢出效应留在当地并解决特定的当地问题。在这些发现的基础上,我们挑战了专门追求高增长创业以减轻贫困,并建议创业驱动的地方发展需要不同规模增长的企业的共存。并因此对它们枯竭的原产地产生独特而互补的贡献。与当地影响具有爆炸性但短暂的扩大企业不同,深度扩大企业创造的就业机会、产品/服务和溢出效应留在当地并解决特定的当地问题。在这些发现的基础上,我们挑战了专门追求高增长创业以减轻贫困,并建议创业驱动的地方发展需要不同规模增长的企业的共存。并因此对它们枯竭的原产地产生独特而互补的贡献。与当地影响具有爆炸性但短暂的扩大企业不同,深度扩大企业创造的就业机会、产品/服务和溢出效应留在当地并解决特定的当地问题。在这些发现的基础上,我们挑战了专门追求高增长创业以减轻贫困,并建议创业驱动的地方发展需要不同规模增长的企业的共存。