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Outbreak of Oropouche Virus in French Guiana
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-08 , DOI: 10.3201/eid2710.204760
Mélanie Gaillet , Clara Pichard , Johana Restrepo , Anne Lavergne , Lucas Perez , Antoine Enfissi , Philippe Abboud , Yann Lambert , Laurence Ma , Marc Monot , Magalie Demar , Felix Djossou , Véronique Servas , Mathieu Nacher , Audrey Andrieu , Julie Prudhomme , Céline Michaud , Cyril Rousseau , Isabelle Jeanne , Jean-Bernard Duchemin , Loïc Epelboin , Dominique Rousset

Oropouche fever is a zoonotic dengue-like syndrome caused by Oropouche virus. In August–September 2020, dengue-like syndrome developed in 28 of 41 patients in a remote rainforest village in French Guiana. By PCR or microneutralization, 23 (82.1%) of 28 tested positive for Oropouche virus, documenting its emergence in French Guiana.


法属圭亚那爆发 Oropouche 病毒

奥罗普切热是由奥罗普切病毒引起的一种人畜共患登革热样综合征。2020 年 8 月至 2020 年 9 月,在法属圭亚那的一个偏远雨林村庄,41 名患者中有 28 名出现了登革热样综合征。通过 PCR 或微量中和,28 人中有 23 人(82.1%)的 Oropouche 病毒检测呈阳性,记录了它在法属圭亚那的出现。
