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An Intelligent Material with Chemical Pathway Networks
arXiv - CS - Emerging Technologies Pub Date : 2021-09-06 , DOI: arxiv-2109.02735
Li Lin, Michael Keidar

A new type of material with embedded intelligence, namely 'intelligent plasma', is introduced. Such new material exhibits programmable chemical pathway networks resembling artificial neural networks. As a Markov process of chemistry, the chemical pathway network can be customized and thus the intelligent plasmas can be programmed to make their own decisions to react to the dynamic external and internal conditions. It finally can accomplish complex missions without any external controls from the humans while relying on its preprogrammed chemical network topology before the mission. To that end, only basic data input and readings are required without any external controls during the mission. The approach to 'if' conditions and 'while' loops of the programmable intelligent plasmas are also discussed with examples of applications including automatic workflows, and signal processing.


