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An Examination of Location-Based Real-Time Dating Application Infrastructure, Profile Features, and Cybervictimization
Social Media + Society ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-08 , DOI: 10.1177/20563051211043218
Vanessa Centelles 1 , Ráchael A. Powers 1 , Richard K. Moule 1

The use of location-based real-time dating applications (LBRTDAs) has become commonplace among college-aged persons. With an increase in their use, these applications may serve as vectors for experiencing cybervictimization. Limited research has examined the implications that application usage has on individual experiences with cybervictimization, particularly cyberstalking, cyberharassment, image-based abuse, and identity deception. Using a sample of college students (N = 324; 73% female), and concentrating primarily on Tinder users, this study examines the correlates of experiencing these forms of cybervictimization, concentrating on the influence that application infrastructure and profile features (e.g., Global Positioning System [GPS] functionality) have on the likelihood of cybervictimization. Results indicate inconsistent and largely insignificant effects, suggesting that opting into the use of safety features and protective measures cannot guarantee protection from application-based forms of cybervictimization. As such, policy implications and directions for future research are discussed.



基于位置的实时约会应用程序 (LBRTDA) 的使用在大学生中变得司空见惯。随着它们使用的增加,这些应用程序可以作为体验网络受害的载体。有限的研究调查了应用程序使用对个人网络受害经历的影响,尤其是网络跟踪、网络骚扰、基于图像的滥用和身份欺骗。使用大学生样本(N= 324; 73% 的女性),并且主要关注 Tinder 用户,这项研究检查了经历这些形式的网络受害的相关性,关注应用程序基础设施和配置文件功能(例如,全球定位系统 [GPS] 功能)对以下可能性的影响网络受害。结果表明影响不一致且在很大程度上是微不足道的,这表明选择使用安全功能和保护措施并不能保证免受基于应用程序形式的网络攻击。因此,讨论了未来研究的政策含义和方向。
