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Recounting special Lagrangian cycles in twistor families of K3 surfaces (or: How I learned to stop worrying and count BPS states)
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-08 , DOI: 10.4310/atmp.2020.v24.n7.a5
Shamit Kachru 1 , Arnav Tripathy 2 , Max Zimet 1

We consider asymptotics of certain BPS state counts in M-theory compactified on a K3 surface. Our investigation is parallel to (and was inspired by) recent work in the mathematics literature by Filip [1], who studied the asymptotic count of special Lagrangian fibrations of a marked K3 surface, with fibers of volume at most $V_\ast$, in a generic twistor family of K3 surfaces. We provide an alternate proof of Filip’s results by adapting tools that Douglas and collaborators have used [2–7] to count flux vacua and attractor black holes. We similarly relate BPS state counts in 4d $\mathcal{N} = 2$ supersymmetric gauge theories to certain counting problems in billiard dynamics and provide a simple proof of an old result in this field.


重述 K3 曲面扭曲族中的特殊拉格朗日循环(或:我如何学会停止担心并计算 BPS 状态)

我们考虑在 K3 表面上压缩的 M 理论中某些 BPS 状态计数的渐近性。我们的研究与 Filip [1] 最近在数学文献中的工作平行(并受其启发),他研究了标记 K3 表面的特殊拉格朗日纤维的渐近计数,纤维的体积最大为 $V_\ast$,在 K3 曲面的通用扭曲器系列中。我们通过调整 Douglas 和合作者使用的工具 [2-7] 来计算通量真空和吸引子黑洞,为 Filip 的结果提供了另一种证明。我们类似地将 4d $\mathcal{N} = 2$ 超对称规范理论中的 BPS 状态计数与台球动力学中的某些计数问题联系起来,并提供了该领域旧结果的简单证明。