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Microplastic Contamination in Protected Areas of the Gulf of Venice
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s11270-021-05323-9
Michele Mistri 1 , Andrea A. Sfriso 1 , Cristina Munari 1 , Marta Curiotto 1 , Marco Scoponi 2, 3 , Adriano Sfriso 4 , Martina Orlando-Bonaca 5 , Lovrenc Lipej 5

We investigated the concentration and composition of plastics in 7 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) from the Gulf of Venice (northern Adriatic Sea). A total of 42 sediment samples were analyzed from 21 sites from 2017 to 2018. All sites except one were found to be polluted by plastics, with density ranging between 2250 and 28.4 items kg−1. Microplastics ranged from 100 to 61.6% of the collected plastics. Fragments were more represented than filaments. The greatest plastic concentrations were generally recorded in western SACs. Identification through FT-IR spectroscopy evidenced the presence of 8 polymer types: in western SACS, the majority were low-density polymers (PE, PP, PS, and TPU), while in eastern SACs they were high-density polymers (PET, nylon, and PVC). In addition to the role of large rivers (all on the western side of the Gulf) in conveying plastics into the sea, a possible role of the cyclonic water circulation of the northern Adriatic Sea on distribution and composition of plastics along the Gulf coasts is likely.



我们调查了威尼斯湾(亚得里亚海北部)的 7 个特别保护区 (SAC) 中塑料的浓度和成分。2017年至2018年共分析了21个地点的42个沉积物样本。除一个地点外,所有地点均被塑料污染,密度介于2250至28.4项kg -1. 微塑料占收集到的塑料的 100% 到 61.6%。片段比细丝更具有代表性。最大的塑料浓度通常记录在西方 SAC 中。通过 FT-IR 光谱鉴定证明存在 8 种聚合物类型:在西部 SACS,大多数是低密度聚合物(PE、PP、PS 和 TPU),而在东部 SAC,它们是高密度聚合物(PET、尼龙,和聚氯乙烯)。除了大河流(都在海湾西侧)将塑料输送到海中的作用外,亚得里亚海北部的气旋水环流可能对墨西哥湾沿岸塑料的分布和组成发挥作用.
