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Estimating Lead Concentrations in Drinking Water after Stagnation in Lead Service Lines Using Water Quality Data from across the United States
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00580
Anushka Mishrra 1 , Elizabeth Johnson 1 , Daniel E. Giammar 1

Water samples collected sequentially from a tap can have lead concentrations that vary as a result of differences in pipe materials in contact with water during stagnation. The revised Lead and Copper Rule will require a 5th liter sample instead of a 1st liter sample for monitoring lead at residences with lead service lines. However, there is limited information regarding the extent to which the 1st and 5th liter lead concentrations will differ. From a pool of published sequential sampling data, the 5th liter lead was higher than the 1st liter lead in 77% of the studies. A national database was created with 90th percentile 1st liter lead and water quality for 434 very large public water systems in the United States in 2019. A solubility-based model estimated the dissolved lead concentrations in equilibrium with lead corrosion products predicted to form in these systems. The predicted equilibrium lead concentrations exceeded the 90th percentile 1st liter lead in 98.9% of systems that reported both pH and alkalinity. For the pool of published sequential sampling data, the predicted equilibrium lead concentrations were closer to the measured 5th liter than 1st liter lead.



从水龙头连续收集的水样中的铅浓度可能会因停滞期间与水接触的管道材料的不同而有所不同。修订后的铅和铜规则将要求使用第 5 升样本而不是第 1 升样本来监测具有铅服务线路的住宅中的铅。然而,关于 1 升和 5 升铅浓度差异程度的信息有限。从已发表的连续抽样数据池中,77% 的研究中第 5 升铅高于第 1 升铅。2019 年,为美国 434 个超大型公共供水系统创建了一个国家数据库,其中包含 90% 的 1 升铅和水质。一个基于溶解度的模型估计溶解铅浓度与预计在这些系统中形成的铅腐蚀产物平衡。在报告 pH 值和碱度的 98.9% 的系统中,预测的平衡铅浓度超过了第 90 个百分位数的 1 升铅。对于已公布的连续采样数据池,预测的平衡铅浓度比第 1 升铅更接近测量的第 5 升铅浓度。