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Effect of pairing correlation on low-lying quadrupole states in Sn isotopes Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11975096, 11875027, 11775014) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2020NTST06)
Chinese Physics C ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/ac0b39
Shuai Sun 1 , Shi-Sheng Zhang 2 , Zhen-Hua Zhang 1 , Li-Gang Cao 3, 4

We examined the low-lying quadrupole states in Sn isotopes in the framework of fully self-consistent Hartree-Fock+BCS plus QRPA. We focus on the effect of the density-dependence of pairing interaction on the properties of the low-lying quadrupole state. The SLy5 Skyrme interaction with surface, mixed, and volume pairings is employed in the calculations, respectively. We find that the excitation energies and the corresponding reduced electric transition probabilities of the first 2+ state are different, given by the three pairing interactions. The properties of the quasiparticle state, two-quasiparticle excitation energy, reduced transition amplitude, and transition densities in 112Sn are analyzed in detail. Two different mechanisms, the static and dynamical effects, of the pairing correlation are also discussed. The results show that the surface, mixed, and volume pairings indeed affect the properties of the first 2+ state in the Sn isotopes.



我们在完全自洽的 Hartree-Fock+BCS 加 QRPA 的框架中检查了 Sn 同位素中的低位四极子态。我们专注于配对相互作用的密度依赖性对低位四极态特性的影响。SLy5 Skyrme 与表面、混合和体积配对的相互作用分别用于计算。我们发现,由三个配对相互作用给出的第一个 2 +状态的激发能量和相应的降低的电跃迁概率是不同的。准粒子态的性质、两个准粒子激发能、减小的跃迁幅度和112 中的跃迁密度Sn进行了详细分析。还讨论了配对相关的两种不同机制,静态和动态效应。结果表明,表面配对、混合配对和体积配对确实会影响Sn 同位素中第一个 2 +态的性质。
