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New physics and two boosted W-jets plus missing energy Supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (11725520, 11675002, 11635001, 11805013, 12075257) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2018NTST09)
Chinese Physics C ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/ac0e8a
Qing-Hong Cao 1, 2, 3 , Nuo Chen 1 , Hao-Ran Jiang 1 , Bin Li 1 , Yandong Liu 4, 5

We show that the signature of two boosted W-jets plus substantial missing energy is very promising for probing heavy charged resonances ( $X^\pm$) through the process of $pp\to X^+X^-\to W^+W^- X^0 X^0$, where $X^0$ denotes the dark matter candidate. The hadronic decay mode of the W boson is considered to maximize the number of signal events. When the mass split between $X^\pm$ and $X^0$ is large, the jet-substructure technique must be utilized to analyze the boosted W-jet. Here, we consider the process of chargino pair production at the LHC, i.e., $pp\to \chi_1^+\chi^-_1 \to W^+W^-\chi_1^0\chi_1^0$, and demonstrate that the proposed signature is able to cover more parameter space of $m_{\chi_1^\pm}$ and $m_{\chi_1^0}$ than the conventional signature of multiple leptons plus missing energy. More importantly, the signature of interest is not sensitive to the spin of heavy resonances.


新物理学和两个助推W-jets加上缺失能量部分得到国家自然科学基金(11725520, 11675002, 11635001, 11805013, 12075257)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2018NTST0)支持

我们表明,两个增强的W喷流加上大量缺失能量的特征非常有希望$X^\pm$通过$pp\to X^+X^-\to W^+W^- X^0 X^0$,其中$X^0$表示暗物质候选者的过程探测重带电共振()。W玻色子的强子衰变模式被认为可以最大化信号事件的数量。当质量在$X^\pm$和之间分裂时$X^0$,必须使用射流子结构技术来分析增强的W射流。在这里,我们考虑在 LHC 上产生 chargino 对的过程,即$pp\to \chi_1^+\chi^-_1 \to W^+W^-\chi_1^0\chi_1^0$,并证明所提出的签名能够覆盖更多的参数空间$m_{\chi_1^\pm}$$m_{\chi_1^0}$比多个轻子加上缺失能量的传统特征。更重要的是,感兴趣的特征对重共振的自旋不敏感。
