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Nonsingular bouncing cosmology in general relativity: physical analysis of the spacetime defect
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ac1900
Emmanuele Battista

In this paper, we describe physical effects occurring in the regularized Robertson–Walker spacetime which can reveal the presence of the defect. Our analysis is based on two main physical quantities: the compressive forces acting on (human) observers and the energy possessed by massive particles and photons during their dynamical evolution. In section3, we claim that with a characteristic length scale of the order of the Planck length compressive forces become so intense near the defect that no (human) observer is able to cross it. In section4, we show that the energy exhibits an unusual character over a small time interval around the bounce contrasting with the behaviour in the standard cosmology picture. We conclude the paper with some considerations and open problems related to our results.



在本文中,我们描述了在正则化的罗伯逊-沃克时空中发生的物理效应,它可以揭示缺陷的存在。我们的分析基于两个主要物理量:作用在(人类)观察者上的压缩力以及大质量粒子和光子在动力学演化过程中所拥有的能量。在第 3 节中,我们声称在普朗克长度数量级的特征长度尺度下,压缩力在缺陷附近变得如此强烈,以至于没有(人类)观察者能够穿过它。在第 4 节中,我们展示了能量在反弹周围的一小段时间间隔内表现出不寻常的特征,这与标准宇宙学图片中的行为形成对比。我们以一些考虑因素和与我们的结果相关的开放性问题来结束本文。
