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As the Statues Fall: An (Abridged) Conversation about Monuments and the Power of Memory
Current Anthropology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1086/714276
Tiffany C. Fryer , La Vaughn Belle , Nicholas Galanin , Dell Upton , Tsione Wolde-Michael

In the wake of the global civil unrest following the brutal killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Atatiana Jefferson, Aura Rosser, Elijah McClain, and so many others at the hands of police in the United States, #BlackLivesMatter protesters and their allies have critiqued the anti-Black racism imbued in the erection and maintenance of Confederate historical monuments. The legacy of social movements seeking to remove Confederate statues is long-standing. However, unlike in previous moments, what began as the forced removal of Confederate statues during protests has rippled to the removal of colonialist, imperialist, and enslaver monuments all over the world. In this webinar, scholars and artists shared their insights on the power of monumentality and the work they are doing to reconfigure historical markers. In the midst of this most recent turmoil, the Society of Black Archaeologists, in collaboration with the Wenner-Gren Foundation and SAPIENS and the Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies, hosted a panel discussion between scholars, activists, artists, and public historians titled “As the Statues Fall: A Conversation about Monuments and the Power of Memory.” This piece provides a look into that conversation and its highlights.



在布伦娜·泰勒、艾哈迈德·阿伯里、乔治·弗洛伊德、托尼·麦克戴德、阿塔蒂亚娜·杰斐逊、奥拉·罗瑟、伊利亚·麦克莱恩以及其他许多人被美国警察残忍杀害后,全球发生了内乱,#BlackLivesMatter抗议者及其盟友批评了建立和维护邦联历史古迹时所蕴含的反黑人种族主义。寻求移除邦联雕像的社会运动的遗产由来已久。然而,与以往不同的是,在抗议期间强行拆除邦联雕像开始的事情已经波及全世界殖民主义、帝国主义和奴役纪念碑的拆除。在本次网络研讨会中,学者和艺术家分享了他们对纪念性力量的见解以及他们为重新配置历史标记所做的工作。在最近的动荡中,黑人考古学家协会与 Wenner-Gren 基金会和 SAPIENS 以及康奈尔考古与材料研究所合作,在学者、活动家、艺术家和公共历史学家之间举办了一场小组讨论,题为“随着雕像倒塌:关于纪念碑和记忆力量的对话。” 这篇文章介绍了该对话及其亮点。