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Functional specialization for pollination by scoliid wasps and solitary bees of Ampelopsis glandulosa (Vitaceae)
Flora ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2021.151921
Osamu Nagasaki 1

The insect visitors to the flowers of Ampelopsis glandulosa (Vitaceae) were surveyed in western Japan. This plant species has cymose inflorescences with many greenish open flowers that contain copious nectar. Diverse insect species visit the flowers and the number of wasps was greater than that of bees. The most frequent visitor at all study sites was the scoliid wasp Scolia oculata. Solitary halictine and andrenid bees were also relatively frequent visitors at some sites. Because a large amount of yellow pollen from A. glandulosa was attached to the bodies of both wasps and bees, they were considered to be effective pollinators. Although honey-bees and vespid wasps were also frequent visitors at many sites, a negligible amount of yellow pollen was found to be attached to the bodies of a majority of these; therefore, they were not considered to be effective pollinators. Vespid wasps are predators of herbivorous insects and observations revealed that they are nectar thieves of A. glandulosa. Because diverse insects were attracted to A. glandulosa flowers, these flowers appear to be generalists, however, only short-tongued scoliid wasps, halictine bees, and andrenid bees appeared to be effective pollinators. These results therefore suggest that A. glandulosa is functionally specialized for short-tongued hymenopteran pollinators. This study adds to a growing body of work on specialized wasp pollination, a system hitherto mostly known from South Africa.



在日本西部调查了访问Ampelopsisglusa (Vitaceae)花的昆虫访客。这种植物具有聚伞状花序,有许多绿色的开放花朵,含有丰富的花蜜。访花昆虫种类多样,黄蜂数量多于蜜蜂。所有研究地点最常来访者是蝾螈黄蜂 Scolia oculata。在某些地点,单独的盐蜂和雄蜂也是相对频繁的访客。因为来自A. gearulosa的大量黄色花粉附着在黄蜂和蜜蜂的身体上,它们被认为是有效的传粉者。尽管蜜蜂和胡蜂也是许多地点的常客,但发现其中大多数的尸体上附着的黄色花粉量微乎其微;因此,它们不被认为是有效的传粉媒介。胡蜂黄蜂是植食性昆虫和观察的天敌发现,他们的花蜜窃贼A.腺。因为不同的昆虫都被A.glutenulosa花所吸引这些花似乎是通才,然而,只有短舌蜂、halictine 蜜蜂和 andrenid 蜜蜂似乎是有效的传粉者。因此,这些结果表明,A. gearulosa在功能上专门用于短舌膜翅目授粉昆虫。这项研究增加了越来越多的专门黄蜂授粉工作,该系统迄今为止主要来自南非。
