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Health economic evaluation of introducing a PPSV23-based vaccination programme to adults aged 65 and above, and an extension to the 60-64 age group in Denmark
Expert Review of Vaccines ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1080/14760584.2021.1977627
Anders Muusfeldt Birck 1 , Liv Nordin Christensen 1 , Mikkel H Pedersen 2 , Jens Olsen 2 , Kelly D Johnson 3 , Goran Bencina 4 , Thomas Holtkøtter Clausen 5 , Carsten Schade Larsen 6



To estimate the health economic consequences of the recently introduced PPSV23 vaccination programme for persons aged 65+ in Denmark and of a potential extension of the programme to include persons aged 60–64 years.

Research design and methods

A Markov model was adapted to the Danish healthcare setting to simulate the epidemiological and economic burden of invasive pneumococcal disease and non-bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia using information from published sources and Danish databases.


We found that the recent introduction of an age-based vaccination programme offering PPSV23 vaccination to the population of persons aged 65+ in Denmark will lead to a societal gain of EUR 72.0 million and prevent 19,707 cases of pneumococcal disease and 1,308 deaths per 1 million persons during the five-year study period.

Similarly, we estimate that extending the programme to include persons aged 60–64 will lead to a gain of EUR 14.6 million per 1 million persons and prevent an additional 6,223 cases of pneumococcal disease and 185 deaths.


The recent introduction of the age-based vaccination programme offering PPSV23 vaccination to all persons aged 65+ in Denmark is cost-effective. This is also the case if the programme is extended to include persons aged 60–64.


向 65 岁及以上的成年人引入基于 PPSV23 的疫苗接种计划的健康经济评估,以及丹麦 60-64 岁年龄组的扩展



评估最近在丹麦推出的针对 65 岁以上人群的 PPSV23 疫苗接种计划的健康经济后果,以及该计划可能扩展到包括 60-64 岁人群的健康经济后果。




我们发现,最近在丹麦推出了一项为 65 岁以上人群提供 PPSV23 疫苗的基于年龄的疫苗接种计划,这将带来 7200 万欧元的社会收益,每 100 万人中预防 19,707 例肺炎球菌病和 1,308 例死亡在五年的学习期间。

同样,我们估计将计划扩大到 60-64 岁的人群将导致每 100 万人获得 1460 万欧元的收益,并防止额外的 6,223 例肺炎球菌病病例和 185 例死亡。


最近推出的基于年龄的疫苗接种计划为丹麦所有 65 岁以上的人提供 PPSV23 疫苗接种是具有成本效益的。如果该计划扩大到包括 60-64 岁的人,情况也是如此。
