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Effectiveness and policies analysis of pool testing method for COVID-19
Kybernetes ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1108/k-01-2021-0052
Yang Liu 1 , Yi Chen 2 , Kefan Xie 1 , Jia Liu 2


This research aims to figure out whether the pool testing method of SARS-CoV-2 for COVID-19 is effective and the optimal sample size is in one bunch. Additionally, since the infection rate was unknown at the beginning, this research aims to propose a multiple sampling approach that enables the pool testing method to be utilized successfully.


The authors verify that the pool testing method of SARS-CoV-2 for COVID-19 is effective under the situation of the shortage of nucleic acid detection kits based on probabilistic modeling. In this method, the testing is performed on several samples of the cases together as a bunch. If the test result of the bunch is negative, then it is shown that none of the cases in the bunch has been infected with the novel coronavirus. On the contrary, if the test result of the bunch is positive, then the samples are tested one by one to confirm which cases are infected.


If the infection rate is extremely low, while the same number of detection kits is used, the expected number of cases that can be tested by the pool testing method is far more than that by the one-by-one testing method. The pool testing method is effective only when the infection rate is less than 0.3078. The higher the infection rate, the smaller the optimal sample size in one bunch. If N samples are tested by the pool testing method, while the sample size in one bunch is G, the number of detection kits required is in the interval (N/G, N).


This research proves that the pool testing method is not only suitable for the situation of the shortage of detection kits but also the situation of the overall or sampling detection for a large population. More importantly, it calculates the optimal sample size in one bunch corresponding to different infection rates. Additionally, a multiple sampling approach is proposed. In this approach, the whole testing process is divided into several rounds in which the sample sizes in one bunch are different. The actual infection rate is estimated gradually precisely by sampling inspection in each round.




本研究旨在弄清楚 SARS-CoV-2 对 COVID-19 的池测试方法是否有效以及最佳样本量是否在一组中。此外,由于感染率一开始是未知的,本研究旨在提出一种多重抽样方法,使池测试方法能够成功利用。




如果感染率极低,在使用相同数量的检测试剂盒的情况下,采用合并检测方式预计可检测的病例数远远超过逐一检测方式。只有当感染率小于 0.3078 时,池测试方法才有效。感染率越高,一组中的最佳样本量越小。如果采用合并检测法检测N个样本,而一批样本量为G,则所需检测试剂盒数量在区间( N / G , N )内。


