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Clinical features and psychiatric comorbidities in military veterans with schizophrenia with or without suicidality
Journal of Psychiatric Research ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.09.028
Leo Sher 1 , Maureen E Kilmade 2 , Abigail Feinberg 1 , Usha Govindarajulu 3 , William Byne 4 , René S Kahn 1 , Erin A Hazlett 1

Suicide is currently among the leading causes of death among individuals with schizophrenia. Reducing mortality from suicide remains a major clinical challenge in the care of veterans with schizophrenia. There is a need to increase our understanding of what elevates suicide risk in veterans with schizophrenia as a first step towards the future development of suicide prevention interventions. This study compared demographic and clinical features of military veterans with schizophrenia with vs. without suicidality to determine specific risk factors for suicidality. The sample consisted of two groups of veterans with schizophrenia: suicide ideators and/or attempters (SIA) and individuals without a history of suicidal ideation or attempts (no-SIA). Participants were interviewed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Axis I disorders (SCID-I), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia (PANSS), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), and Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ). In bivariate analyses, the PANSS-Positive Symptom scores, PANSS-General Psychopathology scores, HDRS total score, HDRS-Paranoid symptoms item score, and SPQ total scores were higher among SIA compared with no-SIA patients. In this unique clinical sample of veterans with schizophrenia, SIA patients were more likely to have mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or alcohol use disorder in comparison to the no-SIA group. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the HDRS total score and presence/absence of comorbid mood disorder drive the difference between the groups. These results indicate that suicide risk assessment in veterans with schizophrenia should include identifying individuals with comorbid mood disorders/symptoms, PTSD, alcohol use disorder, marked positive symptoms, and schizotypal features.



自杀目前是精神分裂症患者死亡的主要原因之一。降低自杀死亡率仍然是治疗精神分裂症退伍军人的主要临床挑战。作为未来发展自杀预防干预措施的第一步,有必要增加我们对导致精神分裂症退伍军人自杀风险升高的认识。这项研究比较了患有精神分裂症的退伍军人与没有自杀的人口统计学和临床​​特征,以确定自杀的特定危险因素。样本包括两组患有精神分裂症的退伍军人:自杀意念者和/或企图者(SIA)和没有自杀意念或企图史的个体(无SIA)。参与者使用 DSM-5 轴 I 障碍的结构化临床访谈 (SCID-I)、精神分裂症阳性和阴性症状量表 (PANSS)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表 (HDRS) 和分裂型人格问卷 (SPQ) 进行采访。在双变量分析中,与非 SIA 患者相比,SIA 患者的 PANSS-阳性症状评分、PANSS-一般精神病理学评分、HDRS 总分、HDRS-偏执症状项目评分和 SPQ 总分较高。在这个独特的精神分裂症退伍军人临床样本中,与非 SIA 组相比,SIA 患者更有可能患有情绪障碍、创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 和/或酒精使用障碍。逻辑回归分析表明,HDRS 总分和合并情绪障碍的存在/不存在驱动了组间的差异。
