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The Robust Ground Clutter Canceller Based on Inaccurate Prior Knowledge in Airborne Radar
Mathematical Problems in Engineering Pub Date : 2021-09-07 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/6690674
Bo Dang 1 , Yan Zhou 2

Two-dimensional pulse-to-pulse canceller (TDPC) of ground clutter can effectively suppress the clutter along the clutter trace, and therefore the moving target detectability of the following space-time adaptive processing (STAP) algorithm can be improved after TDPC as the clutter prefilter. However, TDPC may greatly impair the energy of moving target when inaccurate knowledge is exploited, which is detrimental to target detection. Aiming at this problem, a robust two-dimensional pulse-to-pulse canceller (RTDPC) of ground clutter is proposed. In order to enhance the TDPC’s robustness with inaccurate radar system parameters, which are mainly the platform velocity and crab angle, the errors of estimated platform velocity and crab angle are taken as the prior knowledge and added into the design of the clutter filter coefficient matrix. By exploiting RTDPC as the clutter prefilter, the moving target detectability of the following nonadaptive detection algorithm or STAP algorithm can also be enhanced. The simulated and MCARM data are utilized to verify the clutter suppression performance of RTDPC with inaccurate platform velocity and crab angle.


