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Promise Amid Peril: PREA's Efforts to Regulate an End to Prison Rape
American Criminal Law Review Pub Date : 2020-09-01
Brenda V. Smith

This Article discusses the modest aspirations of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (“PREA”) that passed unanimously in the United States Congress in 2003. The Article posits that PREA created opportunities for holding correctional authorities accountable by creating a baseline for safety and setting more transparent expectations for agencies’ practices for protecting prisoners from sexual abuse. Additionally, the Article posits that PREA enhanced the evolving stand-ards of decency for the Eighth Amendment and articulated clear expectations of correctional authorities to provide sexual safety for people in custody.


危难中的承诺:PREA 努力规范结束监狱强奸

本文讨论了 2003 年美国国会一致通过的《消除监狱强奸法》(“PREA”)的适度愿望。该文章认为,PREA 通过创建安全基线和设置更透明的方式,为让惩戒当局承担责任创造了机会对机构保护囚犯免受性虐待的做法的期望。此外,该文章认为,PREA 加强了第八修正案不断发展的体面标准,并阐明了惩教当局为在押人员提供性安全的明确期望。