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The Wild, Wild West: The Right of the Unhoused to Privacy in their Encampments
American Criminal Law Review Pub Date : 2019-03-01
Carrie Leonetti

The issue of what, if any, protection the Fourth Amendment and its state counter- parts give to the home that is not a house recently surfaced in three decisions of panels of the Washington, Oregon, and California courts of appeals, which reached conflicting decisions on nearly identical facts. Descriptively, this Article argues that property-law concepts continue to play an outsized role in judicial determinations of the reasonableness of individuals’ expectations of privacy in particular areas. As a result, courts have a hierarchy of Fourth Amendment protection, with the “home” at its center. Conversely, courts tend to find that trespassers categorically lack constitutional privacy protection on the lands on which they trespass, often relying on assumption-of-risk logic. The court opinions discussing the sanctity of the “home” and the peril of the trespasser contemplate only brick-and-mortar structures occupied by individuals with either a deed or a lease to the premises.


