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Combining malaria vaccination with chemoprevention: a promising new approach to malaria control
Malaria Journal ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-06 , DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03888-8
Brian Greenwood 1 , Matthew Cairns 1 , Mike Chaponda 2 , R Matthew Chico 1 , Alassane Dicko 3 , Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo 4 , Kamija S Phiri 5 , Feiko O Ter Kuile 6 , Daniel Chandramohan 1

Malaria control has stalled in a number of African countries and novel approaches to malaria control are needed for these areas. The encouraging results of a recent trial conducted in young children in Burkina Faso and Mali in which a combination of the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine and seasonal malaria chemoprevention led to a substantial reduction in clinical cases of malaria, severe malaria, and malaria deaths compared with the administration of either intervention given alone suggests that there may be other epidemiological/clinical situations in which a combination of malaria vaccination and chemoprevention could be beneficial. Some of these potential opportunities are considered in this paper. These include combining vaccination with intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants, with intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (through vaccination of women of child-bearing age before or during pregnancy), or with post-discharge malaria chemoprevention in the management of children recently admitted to hospital with severe anaemia. Other potential uses of the combination are prevention of malaria in children at particular risk from the adverse effects of clinical malaria, such as those with sickle cell disease, and during the final stages of a malaria elimination programme when vaccination could be combined with repeated rounds of mass drug administration. The combination of a pre-erythrocytic stage malaria vaccine with an effective chemopreventive regimen could make a valuable contribution to malaria control and elimination in a variety of clinical or epidemiological situations, and the potential of this approach to malaria control needs to be explored.



许多非洲国家的疟疾控制已陷入停滞,这些地区需要新的疟疾控制方法。最近在布基纳法索和马里的幼儿中进行的一项试验取得了令人鼓舞的结果,其中 RTS、S/AS01E 疟疾疫苗和季节性疟疾化学预防相结合,导致疟疾、严重疟疾和疟疾死亡的临床病例大幅减少与单独给予任一干预措施相比,表明可能存在其他流行病学/临床情况,其中疟疾疫苗接种和化学预防的组合可能是有益的。本文考虑了其中一些潜在机会。其中包括将疫苗接种与婴儿疟疾间歇性预防治疗相结合,与妊娠期疟疾间歇性预防性治疗相结合(通过在怀孕前或怀孕期间为育龄妇女接种疫苗),或最近在儿童管理中结合出院后疟疾化学预防因严重贫血入院。该组合的其他潜在用途是预防特别容易受到临床疟疾不利影响的儿童患疟疾,例如患有镰状细胞病的儿童,以及在消除疟疾计划的最后阶段,疫苗接种可以与重复的几轮疫苗接种相结合。大规模药物管理。红细胞前阶段疟疾疫苗与有效化学预防方案的结合可以为各种临床或流行病学情况下的疟疾控制和消除做出宝贵贡献,并且需要探索这种疟疾控制方法的潜力。