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“They are my family”: exploring the usage of spiritual and religious supports by survivors of intimate partner violence
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought Pub Date : 2021-09-05 , DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2021.1955427
Morgan E. Braganza 1 , Sandra Hoy 2 , Ginette Lafrenière 2


The study of help seeking experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors typically focus on traditional supports such as mental health and community services. Spiritual or religious supports are utilized in ways often overlooked because issues of spirituality and religiosity are infrequently discussed in IPV scholarship and social services. Using qualitative interviews and focus group data of 104 women who survived IPV from three geographic areas in Ontario, Canada, this article explores the usage of intrinsic, informal, and formal spiritual and religious supports by a subset of participants. Implications for social work professionals, including those working in the area of IPV are discussed.




对亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 幸存者寻求帮助的研究通常侧重于心理健康和社区服务等传统支持。精神或宗教支持的使用方式经常被忽视,因为在 IPV 奖学金和社会服务中很少讨论灵性和宗教信仰问题。本文使用来自加拿大安大略省三个地理区域的 104 名在 IPV 中幸存下来的女性的定性访谈和焦点小组数据,探讨了一部分参与者对内在、非正式和正式精神和宗教支持的使用。讨论了对社会工作专业人员的影响,包括那些在 IPV 领域工作的人。
