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Kalmyk DPs and the Narration of Displacement in Post-World War II Europe
Slavic Review ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-06 , DOI: 10.1017/slr.2021.87
Elvira Churyumova , Edward C. Holland

Based on interview files and archival materials, this paper reconstructs the experiences of Kalmyk displaced persons (DPs) against the backdrop of the shifting international refugee regime in post-World War II Europe. Kalmyks came to western Europe in two waves: at the conclusion of the Russian Civil War in 1920 and during the German retreat from the Soviet Union in 1943–44. After the war, the majority of Kalmyks were repatriated; those who remained in Europe primarily ended up in DP camps in the American zone of western Germany. This paper details the strategies used by Kalmyk DPs to avoid repatriation to the Soviet Union and eventually secure resettlement in the United States in 1951. Individual histories offer insight into how the Kalmyks as a group made themselves legible to the international community in light of a changing geopolitical environment and evolving racial regimes.



本文基于访谈文件和档案材料,在二战后欧洲国际难民制度转变的背景下,重构了卡尔梅克流离失所者 (DPs) 的经历。卡尔梅克人分两波来到西欧:1920 年俄罗斯内战结束时和 1943-44 年德国从苏联撤退期间。战后,大部分卡尔梅克人被遣返;留在欧洲的人主要是在德国西部美国地区的难民营中结束。本文详细介绍了卡尔梅克难民为避免被遣返回苏联并最终确保在 1951 年在美国重新定居所使用的策略。