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Projecting Ancient Ancestry in Modern-Day Arabians and Iranians: A Key Role of the Past Exposed Arabo-Persian Gulf on Human Migrations
Genome Biology and Evolution ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-04 , DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evab194
Joana C Ferreira 1, 2, 3 , Farida Alshamali 4 , Francesco Montinaro 5, 6 , Bruno Cavadas 1, 2 , Antonio Torroni 7 , Luisa Pereira 1, 2 , Alessandro Raveane 7, 8 , Veronica Fernandes 1, 2

The Arabian Peninsula is strategic for investigations centered on the early structuring of modern humans in the wake of the out-of-Africa migration. Despite its poor climatic conditions for the recovery of ancient human DNA evidence, the availability of both genomic data from neighboring ancient specimens and informative statistical tools allow modeling the ancestry of local modern populations. We applied this approach to a data set of 741,000 variants screened in 291 Arabians and 78 Iranians, and obtained insightful evidence. The west-east axis was a strong forcer of population structure in the Peninsula, and, more importantly, there were clear continuums throughout time linking western Arabia with the Levant, and eastern Arabia with Iran and the Caucasus. Eastern Arabians also displayed the highest levels of the basal Eurasian lineage of all tested modern-day populations, a signal that was maintained even after correcting for a possible bias due to a recent sub-Saharan African input in their genomes. Not surprisingly, eastern Arabians were also the ones with highest similarity with Iberomaurusians, who were, so far, the best proxy for the basal Eurasians amongst the known ancient specimens. The basal Eurasian lineage is the signature of ancient non-Africans who diverged from the common European-eastern Asian pool before 50,000 years ago, prior to the later interbred with Neanderthals. Our results appear to indicate that the exposed basin of the Arabo-Persian Gulf was the possible home of basal Eurasians, a scenario to be further investigated by searching ancient Arabian human specimens.



阿拉伯半岛对于在非洲外迁徙后以现代人类早期结构为中心的调查具有战略意义。尽管恢复古代人类 DNA 证据的气候条件很差,但来自邻近古代标本的基因组数据和信息丰富的统计工具的可用性允许对当地现代人口的血统进行建模。我们将这种方法应用于在 291 名阿拉伯人和 78 名伊朗人中筛选的 741,000 个变体的数据集,并获得了有见地的证据。东西轴线是半岛人口结构的强大推动力,更重要的是,阿拉伯西部与黎凡特、阿拉伯东部与伊朗和高加索地区之间存在明显的连续性。在所有测试过的现代人群中,东部阿拉伯人的基础欧亚血统水平也最高,即使在纠正了由于最近撒哈拉以南非洲地区基因组输入导致的可能偏差后,这一信号仍然保持不变。毫不奇怪,东部阿拉伯人也是与伊比利亚人最相似的人,伊比利亚人是迄今为止已知古代标本中基础欧亚人的最佳代表。基础欧亚血统是古代非非洲人的特征,他们在 50,000 年前,在后来与尼安德特人杂交之前,从欧洲-东亚共同的池中分离出来。我们的研究结果似乎表明,阿拉伯-波斯湾裸露的盆地可能是基础欧亚人的家园,这种情况需要通过搜索古代阿拉伯人类标本来进一步研究。