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Fine-scale distribution and occupancy modelling of the threatened pugnose shiner (Notropis anogenus) in the St. Lawrence River, Ontario, Canada1
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-03 , DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2020-0456
Lindsay B. Potts 1 , Nicholas E. Mandrak 2 , Lauren J. Chapman 1

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Understanding population-level habitat requirements is important for the effective conservation of imperilled species, especially for those with fragmented distributions. This study examined fine-scale distribution of the threatened pugnose shiner (Notropis anogenus) in the upper St. Lawrence River, Ontario, Canada. Occupancy modelling, multivariate analyses, and co-occurrence modelling were used to identify environmental correlates of pugnose shiner distribution and species associations in an embayment area, Thompson’s Bay. The pugnose shiner was most abundant in outer bay sites that were cooler, less turbid, had a higher pH, and had more submerged aquatic vegetation than the inner bay sites. The probability of pugnose shiner occupancy increased with distance from the inner bay and with the presence of Chara vulgaris, and decreased with increasing conductivity. The pugnose shiner positively co-occurred with seven species, including the blackchin shiner and blacknose shiner, and negatively co-occurred with bluegill. Centrarchid species were dominant across Thompson’s Bay. This has important conservation implications because some native centrarchid predators are increasing in abundance, coincident with climate change, which may threaten the persistence of rare and imperilled cyprinids such as pugnose shiner.


加拿大安大略省圣劳伦斯河受威胁的 pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus) 的精细分布和占用模型1

了解种群水平的栖息地要求对于有效保护濒危物种非常重要,尤其是对于那些分布分散的物种。本研究调查了加拿大安大略省圣劳伦斯河上游受威胁的美洲虎 (Notropis anogenus) 的精细分布。占用模型、多变量分析和共现模型被用于确定汤普森湾海湾地区的pugnose Shiner 分布和物种关联的环境相关性。与内湾区相比,外湾区温度较低、浑浊度较低、pH 值较高且淹没水生植被较多,因此哈巴马鲇鱼在外湾区最为丰富。随着距内湾的距离和 Chara vulgaris 的存在,pugnose silverer 入住的可能性增加,并随着电导率的增加而降低。pugnose Shiner 与 7 个物种(包括黑颏和 blacknose Shiner)正共生,与蓝鳃鱼负共生。Centrarchid 物种在整个汤普森湾占主导地位。这具有重要的保护意义,因为一些本地 Centrarchid 捕食者的数量正在增加,与气候变化同时发生,这可能会威胁到稀有和濒危的鲤科动物(如 pugnose silverer)的生存。