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Observations of the downwelling far-infrared atmospheric emission at the Zugspitze observatory
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-03 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-13-4303-2021
Luca Palchetti , Marco Barucci , Claudio Belotti , Giovanni Bianchini , Bertrand Cluzet , Francesco D'Amato , Samuele Del Bianco , Gianluca Di Natale , Marco Gai , Dina Khordakova , Alessio Montori , Hilke Oetjen , Markus Rettinger , Christian Rolf , Dirk Schuettemeyer , Ralf Sussmann , Silvia Viciani , Hannes Vogelmann , Frank Gunther Wienhold

Measurements of the spectrum of the atmospheric emission in the far-infrared (FIR) range, between 100 and 667 cm−1 (100–15 µm) are scarce because of the detection complexity and of the strong absorption of air at ground level preventing the sounding of the FIR from low altitude. Consequently, FIR measurements need to be made from high-altitude sites or on board airborne platforms or satellites. This paper describes the dataset of FIR spectral radiances of the atmosphere and snow surface emission measured in the 100–1000 cm−1 range by the Far-Infrared Radiation Mobile Observation System (FIRMOS) instrument during a 2-month campaign carried out from the ground at about 3000 m of altitude on the top of Mt. Zugspitze in the German Alps in 2018–2019. This campaign is part of the preparatory activity of a new space FIR mission, named Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM), which is under development by the European Space Agency (ESA). The dataset acquired during the campaign also includes all the additional measurements needed to provide a full characterisation of the observed atmospheric state and the local atmospheric and surface conditions. It includes co-located spectral measurements in the infrared range from 400 to 1800 cm−1; lidar backscatter profiles; radio soundings of temperature, humidity and aerosol backscatter profiles; local weather parameters; and snow/ice microphysical properties. These measurements provide a unique dataset that can be used to perform radiative closure experiments to improve modelling parameters in the FIR that are not well-characterised, such as water vapour spectroscopy, scattering properties of cirrus clouds, and the FIR emissivity of the surface covered by snow. The consolidated dataset is freely available via the ESA campaign dataset website at https://doi.org/10.5270/ESA-38034ee (Palchetti et al., 2020a).



100 到 667 cm -1 (100–15  µm )之间的远红外 (FIR) 范围内的大气发射光谱的测量 很少,因为检测的复杂性和地面对空气的强烈吸收阻止了从低空探测 FIR。因此,FIR 测量需要在高海拔地点或机载平台或卫星上进行。本文描述了远红外辐射移动观测系统 (FIRMOS) 仪器在为期 2 个月的地面活动期间在 100-1000 cm -1范围内测量的大气和雪面​​发射的 FIR 光谱辐射数据集 在大约 3000  m2018-2019 年德国阿尔卑斯山楚格峰山顶的海拔高度。该活动是欧洲航天局 (ESA) 正在开发的名为远红外输出辐射理解和监测 (FORUM) 的新空间 FIR 任务的准备活动的一部分。活动期间获得的数据集还包括提供观测到的大气状态以及当地大气和地表条件的完整特征所需的所有额外测量。它包括在 400 到 1800 cm -1的红外范围内的同位光谱测量 ; 激光雷达反向散射剖面;温度、湿度和气溶胶反向散射剖面的无线电探测;当地天气参数;和雪/冰微物理特性。这些测量提供了一个独特的数据集,可用于执行辐射闭合实验,以改进 FIR 中未充分表征的建模参数,例如水蒸气光谱、卷云的散射特性以及被覆盖的表面的 FIR 发射率。雪。综合数据集可通过 ESA 活动数据集网站免费获得,网址为 https://doi.org/10.5270/ESA-38034ee (Palchetti et al., 2020a)