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Reforestation of Degraded Landscapes in Micronesia
Land ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-03 , DOI: 10.3390/land10090926
James B. Friday , Diane L. Haase , Ruddy Estoy , James Manglona , Ryan Talken

Wildfires on degraded grasslands cause extensive soil erosion and cause environmental and economic damage worldwide. We conducted fertilizer, lime, and mulch trials to improve growth of trees planted in acid soils in degraded grasslands on the Micronesian islands of Guam, Rota, and Yap. Fertilizer application had no effect on height growth of Acacia auriculiformis seedlings on a Mollisol on Guam while lime application had a small but significant positive effect on height growth. Fertilizer application had a significant positive effect on height growth of Acacia confusa seedlings planted on an Oxisol on Rota but lime had no effect. Mulch application increased height growth of Swietenia macrophylla seedlings planted on an Oxisol on Yap but lime application had no effect. Collaboration between university researchers and local forestry agencies can improve reforestation success, but researchers need to consider local capabilities and local knowledge.



退化草原上的野火造成大面积的水土流失,并在​​全世界造成环境和经济破坏。我们进行了肥料、石灰和覆盖物试验,以改善密克罗尼西亚关岛、罗塔岛和雅浦岛退化草原酸性土壤中种植的树木的生长。在关岛的 Mollisol 上,施肥对金合欢幼苗的高度生长没有影响,而施用石灰对高度增长有很小但显着的积极影响。施肥对种植在 Rota 上 Oxisol 上的金合欢幼苗的高度生长有显着的积极影响,但石灰没有影响。覆盖物的应用增加了大叶白花心菜的高度生长将幼苗种植在 Yap 的 Oxisol 上,但施用石灰没有效果。大学研究人员和当地林业机构之间的合作可以提高重新造林的成功率,但研究人员需要考虑当地能力和当地知识。