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Field measurement of spatiotemporal distributions of ambient concentrations of volatile organic compounds around a high-tech industrial park using a drone
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101187
Chung-Shin Yuan, Wen-Hsi Cheng, Shu-Ying Su, Wei-Hsiang Chen

A quadrotor drone, carrying a 3 L Teflon bag and an active sampling pump, collected ambient air samples around a high-tech industrial park to investigate the distribution characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A total of 490 air samples were collected in winter, spring, summer and autumn in one year and analyzed. Ambient VOC samples were obtained using a drone on the ground and at the altitude of 50 m which is approximately the heights of chimney outlets of the factories once per month at four sites around the high-tech industrial park. Acetone, toluene, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), p-xylene, m-xylene and ethyl acetate were the most commonly detected VOCs; these are commonly used solvents in semiconductor, LCD panel and optoelectronics manufacturing in the high-tech industrial park. The highest total VOC concentration (TVOC) on the ground was 346.8 μg/m3 (including acetone of 107.9 μg/m3 and m,p-xylenes of 65.4 μg/m3) and that at the altitude of 50 m was 278.3 μg/m3 (including acetone of 104.0 μg/m3 and m,p-xylenes of 36.3 μg/m3) on an August day. Based on the concentration ratios of m,p-xylenes to ethylbenzene, the exhaust of VOCs from neighboring plants affected air quality at the altitude of 50 m. The VOC-rich air affected the ambient air quality that was supplied to clean rooms, increasing the operating cost of the high-tech industrial factories in the park.



一架四旋翼无人机携带 3 L 特氟龙袋和主动采样泵,在高科技工业园区周围采集环境空气样本,研究挥发性有机化合物 (VOCs) 的分布特征。一年内共采集冬、春、夏、秋四季空气样本490份进行分析。环境 VOC 样本是在地面上使用无人机在 50 m 的高度上获得的,该高度约为工厂烟囱出口的高度,每月一次,在高科技工业园区周围的四个地点进行。丙酮、甲苯、甲乙酮 (MEK)、对二甲苯、间二甲苯和乙酸乙酯是最常检测到的 VOC;这些是高科技工业园区半导体、液晶面板和光电制造中常用的溶剂。3(包括丙酮107.9 μg/m 3和m,p-二甲苯65.4 μg/m 3),海拔50 m为278.3 μg/m 3(包括丙酮104.0 μg/m 3和m,p - 二甲苯 36.3 μg/m 3 ) 在八月的一天。根据m,p-二甲苯与乙苯的浓度比,邻近工厂排放的VOCs对海拔50m的空气质量有影响。富含VOC的空气影响了供应给洁净室的环境空气质量,增加了园区高科技工业工厂的运营成本。
