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I Am from Austria: Czech, Ukrainian, and Slovakian Refugee Poets in New York
Journal of Austrian Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-03
Joshua Parker


When we hear the terms "refugee crisis," "migration" and "Austria" today, we naturally think of Europe's refugee influx of the last several years. This article focuses on an earlier twentieth- century Austrian refugee crisis: that which sent some 35,000 European refugees through Austria to the United States in the 1938–1945 period, specifically a group of authors publishing poetry in German in New York during those years. Self identifying as Austrian exiles, these poets formed literary groups and publications for German- speaking readers. Yet Rose Ausländer, Anna Krommer, Gertrude Urzidil, and Franz Carl Weiskopf, while publicly framing their personal experiences as both Austrian and American, often turn to more regional themes in their verse, poeticizing a lyric identity that is more broadly "European" or specific to their home regions, namely Prague, Slovakia, or formerly Habsburg Ukraine.




当我们今天听到“难民危机”、“移民”和“奥地利”这些词时,我们自然会想到过去几年欧洲难民的涌入。本文关注的是 20 世纪早期的奥地利难民危机:在 1938 年至 1945 年期间,约有 35,000 名欧洲难民通过奥地利前往美国,特别是那些年在纽约用德语发表诗歌的一群作家。这些诗人自称为奥地利流亡者,为德语读者组建了文学团体和出版物。然而,Rose Ausländer、Anna Krommer、Gertrude Urzidil 和 Franz Carl Weiskopf 在公开描述他们作为奥地利人和美国人的个人经历时,经常在他们的诗歌中转向更地区性的主题,将更广泛的“欧洲”的抒情身份诗化
