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Taxi drivers and COVID-19 in Jamaica: Occupationally related income decline and health behaviour
Health and Social Care in the Community ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-03 , DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13561
Kenneth James 1 , Camelia Thompson 1 , Cameal Chin-Bailey 1 , Kayon Donaldson Davis 2 , Dawn Walters 1 , Desmalee Holder Nevins 1

Income and employment are recognised as social determinants of health. Occupationally related exposures and working conditions impact health behaviours. Taxi drivers have been recognised as an occupationally COVID-19 at-risk group. COVID-19 threatens their lives and livelihoods. This study describes self-reported income changes attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic among taxi drivers. Associations between percentage change in income and reported prevention practices were ascertained. In May 2020, a cross-sectional study was done among 282 taxi drivers in the Kingston and St. Andrew Metropolitan Area in Jamaica. Multi-stage sampling was used to select taxi driver from seven hubs. Data collection utilised a 28-item questionnaire. Self-reported income before and during the COVID-19 pandemic was ascertained and correlations between relative changes in income and COVID-19 prevention practices were assessed. The median pre-COVID-19 monthly income was USD 1,428.57 (IQR = 1,467.26), about USD 51/day. Median monthly income since the COVID-19 outbreak was USD 500 (IQR = 472.37), about USD 18/day, representing a 65% reduction in income. There was a statistically significant association between the relative change in income and the practice of wearing mask while transporting passengers. Generally, as the relative change (decline) in income increased, reported compliance with mask wearing decreased (Spearman's rho = −0.15, p = 0.02). Taxi drivers have experienced marked decline in income due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with implications for health practices and the maintenance of desired health behaviours. Authorities should be cognisant of the economic impact and COVID-related consequences in the taxi industry, as they seek to develop COVID-19 occupationally related prevention and control programmes.


牙买加的出租车司机和 COVID-19:与职业相关的收入下降和健康行为

收入和就业被认为是健康的社会决定因素。与职业相关的接触和工作条件会影响健康行为。出租车司机已被公认为职业性 COVID-19 高危人群。COVID-19 威胁着他们的生命和生计。本研究描述了出租车司机因 COVID-19 大流行而自我报告的收入变化。确定了收入百分比变化与报告的预防措施之间的关联。2020 年 5 月,对牙买加金斯敦和圣安德鲁都会区的 282 名出租车司机进行了横断面研究。多阶段抽样用于从七个枢纽中选择出租车司机。数据收集使用 28 项问卷。确定了 COVID-19 大流行之前和期间的自我报告收入,并评估了收入的相对变化与 COVID-19 预防措施之间的相关性。COVID-19 之前的月收入中位数为 1,428.57 美元(IQR = 1,467.26),约为 51 美元/天。自 COVID-19 爆发以来,月收入中位数为 500 美元(IQR = 472.37),约为 18 美元/天,收入减少了 65%。收入的相对变化与运送乘客时戴口罩的做法之间存在统计学上的显着关联。一般来说,随着收入的相对变化(下降)增加,报告的戴口罩依从性下降(Spearman 的 rho = -0.15,自 COVID-19 爆发以来,月收入中位数为 500 美元(IQR = 472.37),约为 18 美元/天,收入减少了 65%。收入的相对变化与运送乘客时戴口罩的做法之间存在统计学上的显着关联。一般来说,随着收入的相对变化(下降)增加,报告的戴口罩依从性下降(Spearman 的 rho = -0.15,自 COVID-19 爆发以来,月收入中位数为 500 美元(IQR = 472.37),约为 18 美元/天,收入减少了 65%。收入的相对变化与运送乘客时戴口罩的做法之间存在统计学上的显着关联。一般来说,随着收入的相对变化(下降)增加,报告的戴口罩依从性下降(Spearman 的 rho = -0.15,p  = 0.02)。由于 COVID-19 大流行,出租车司机的收入显着下降,这对健康实践和维持所需的健康行为产生了影响。当局在寻求制定 COVID-19 职业相关预防和控制计划时,应认识到出租车行业的经济影响和与 COVID 相关的后果。