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Harvesting of wood for energy generation: a quantitative stand-level analysis in an Italian mountainous district
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2021.1966090
Luca Nonini 1 , Marco Fiala 1


The first aim of the study was to present the methodology applied by the model WOody biomass and Carbon ASsessment to compute the past potentially available residues (RA; branches and tops only; t·yr−1 of dry matter, DM), potentially generated heat and electricity (TE, EE, respectively; GJ·yr−1) and potentially avoided CO2 emissions into the atmosphere (EM; t·yr−1 CO2) for the final combustion process. The available residues are computed at the forest stand level through a recovery rate based on six technical parameters. The methodology was applied to the public stands of Valle Camonica district (Italy) (total area: 3.67·104 ha; period: 1984–2016). The mass of residues calculated for that period was used to estimate the current supply, i.e. 2.15·103 ± 6.04·102 t·yr−1 DM. By assuming that this mass was used in an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) unit of a local centralized heating plant, TE = 2.06·104 ÷ 2.41·104 GJ·yr−1 and EE = 5.08·103 ÷ 5.95·103 GJ·yr−1. By assuming that: (i) heat generated by the ORC replaced heat produced by conventional natural gas-based plants; (ii) electricity generated by the ORC replaced electricity generated by Italian natural gas-based plants-mix (combined heat and electricity production) EM = 1.85·103 ÷ 2.17·103 t·yr−1 CO2.




该研究的第一个目的是介绍模型 WOody 生物量和碳评估应用的方法来计算过去的潜在可用残留物(RA;仅枝条和顶部;干物质的t·yr -1,DM),潜在产生的热量和电力(分别为 TE、EE;GJ·yr -1)并可能避免在最终燃烧过程中排放到大气中的CO 2排放(EM;t·yr -1 CO 2)。可用残留物是通过基于六个技术参数的恢复率在林分级别计算的。该方法应用于Valle Camonica区(意大利)的公共看台(总面积:3.67·10 4 哈; 期间:1984-2016 年)。该时期计算的残留物质量用于估计当前供应量,即 2.15·10 3 ± 6.04·10 2  t·yr -1 DM。假设该质量用于当地集中供热厂的有机朗肯循环 (ORC) 装置,则 TE = 2.06·10 4 ÷ 2.41·10 4  GJ·yr -1和 EE = 5.08·10 3 ÷ 5.95·10 3  GJ·yr -1。假设: (i) ORC 产生的热量取代了传统天然气发电厂产生的热量;(ii) ORC 产生的电力取代了意大利天然气工厂组合(热电联产)产生的电力 EM = 1.85·103 ÷ 2.17·10 3 吨·年-1 CO 2
