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Response of the authors regarding article: “Association between electrocardiographic features and mortality in COVID-19 patients”
Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.1111/anec.12886
T David Gbadebo 1 , Daniel Antwi-Amoabeng 2 , Bryce D Beutler 2 , Mark B Ulanja 2

The authors of the recently published article “Association between electrocardiographic features and mortality in COVID-19” (Antwi-Amoabeng et al., 2021) find it necessary to respond to the commentary submitted by Mahmoudi et al (Mahmoudi et al., 2021). We could not appreciate any challenges to any of our findings, nor did we garner any editorial highlights for clarification or illumination. The greatest part of their submission was devoted to a lengthy discussion on methodology and approaches for measuring QT interval or indices of ventricular repolarization. Baseline QT interval was measured among our patient population due to some background exposure to QT-prolonging drugs. However, we did not find nor report any disparate clinical ventricular arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death in our study. We reported disparate findings of sinus tachycardia and atrial fibrillation that appear to portend an increased risk of death. Different parameters of risk assessment for ventricular arrhythmias have been proposed in experimental animal and clinical models (Gbadebo et al., 2002), but these are not germane to our referenced article. We acknowledge that some aspects of our findings and reports are limited and can be better refined. Another recent publication has incorporated data from our article in a meta-analysis examining the impact of LBBB on COVID-19 disease (Zuin et al., 2021). We welcome thoughtful, worthy, and pertinent commentaries that can further educate, illuminate, and advance our understanding of risk predictors in patients with COVID-19.


T. David Gbadebo, MD, FACC, FHRS

Daniel Antwi-Amoabeng, MD, MSc

Bryce D. Beutler, MD

Mark B. Ulanja, MD, MPH


作者对文章的回应:“心电图特征与 COVID-19 患者死亡率之间的关联”

最近发表的文章《心电图特征与 COVID-19 死亡率之间的关联》(Antwi-Amoabeng 等人, 2021 年)的作者认为有必要对 Mahmoudi 等人提交的评论做出回应(Mahmoudi 等人,2021 年) 。我们无法理解对我们的任何发现的任何挑战,也没有获得任何编辑亮点来澄清或阐明。他们提交的大部分内容致力于对测量 QT 间期或心室复极指数的方法和方法进行冗长的讨论。由于某些背景暴露于延长 QT 的药物,我们在患者群体中测量了基线 QT 间期。然而,我们在研究中没有发现或报告任何不同的临床室性心律失常或心源性猝死。我们报告了窦性心动过速和心房颤动的不同发现,这似乎预示着死亡风险增加。室性心律失常风险评估的不同参数已在实验动物和临床模型中提出(Gbadebo 等人,2002),但这些与我们引用的文章没有密切关系。我们承认我们的调查结果和报告的某些方面是有限的,可以更好地完善。最近的另一篇出版物将我们文章中的数据纳入一项荟萃分析中,研究 LBBB 对 COVID-19 疾病的影响(Zuin 等人,2021)。我们欢迎深思熟虑、有价值且中肯的评论,这些评论可以进一步教育、阐明和增进我们对 COVID-19 患者风险预测因素的理解。


T. David Gbadebo,医学博士、FACC、FHRS

Daniel Antwi-Amoabeng,医学博士、理学硕士


马克·B·乌兰贾 (Mark B. Ulanja),医学博士、公共卫生硕士
