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Unexpected diversity of Endozoicomonas in deep-sea corals
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13844
CA Kellogg 1 , ZA Pratte 2

ABSTRACT: The deep ocean hosts a large diversity of azooxanthellate cold-water corals whose associated microbiomes remain to be described. While the bacterial genus Endozoicomonas has been widely identified as a dominant associate of tropical and temperate corals, it has rarely been detected in deep-sea corals. Determining microbial baselines for these cold-water corals is a critical first step to understanding the ecosystem services their microbiomes contribute, while providing a benchmark against which to measure responses to environmental change or anthropogenic effects. Samples of Acanthogorgia aspera, A. spissa, Desmophyllum dianthus, and D. pertusum (Lophelia pertusa) were collected from western Atlantic sites off the US east coast and from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Microbiomes were characterized by 16S rRNA gene amplicon surveys. Although D. dianthus and D. pertusum have recently been combined into a single genus due to their genetic similarity, their microbiomes were significantly different. The Acanthogorgia spp. were collected from submarine canyons in different regions, but their microbiomes were extremely similar and dominated by Endozoicomonas. This is the first report of coral microbiomes dominated by Endozoicomonas occurring below 1000 m, at temperatures near 4°C. D. pertusum from 2 Atlantic sites were also dominated by distinct Endozoicomonas, unlike D. pertusum from other sites described in previous studies, including the Gulf of Mexico, the Mediterranean Sea and a Norwegian fjord.



摘要:深海拥有种类繁多的偶氮黄原藻冷水珊瑚,其相关的微生物群落仍有待描述。虽然细菌属Endozoicomonas已被广泛确定为热带和温带珊瑚的主要关联物,但在深海珊瑚中却很少被发现。确定这些冷水珊瑚的微生物基线是了解其微生物群贡献的生态系统服务的关键第一步,同时提供了衡量对环境变化或人为影响的反应的基准。样品Acanthogorgia叶树A. spissaDesmophyllum石竹D. pertusum的Lophelia莼) 是从美国东海岸和墨西哥湾东北部的西大西洋站点收集的。微生物组的特征在于 16S rRNA 基因扩增子调查。尽管D. dianthusD. pertusum最近由于它们的遗传相似性而被合并为一个属,但它们的微生物组却存在显着差异。该Acanthogorgia属。来自不同地区的海底峡谷,但它们的微生物群落极其相似,并且以内生单胞菌为主。这是关于珊瑚微生物群落的第一份报告,这些微生物群落发生在 1000 m 以下,温度接近 4°C。百日咳来自 2 个大西洋站点的 也被不同的Endozoicomonas 所支配,这与来自先前研究中描述的其他站点(包括墨西哥湾、地中海和挪威峡湾)的百日咳D. pertusum不同。