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New and old invaders in forests in eastern Austria: The role of species attributes and invasion history
Flora ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2021.151922
Franz Essl 1 , Michael Glaser 1 , Anna Schertler 1

Recent studies have shown that temperate forests are susceptible to the invasion of alien species. However, it is less known how species attributes such as functional traits, invasion success on large scales (e.g. globally or in Europe), residence time and pathways of introduction interact in shaping the distribution of alien species in forests. Here, we analyse the distribution of alien species species introduced long ago (i.e. archaeophytes, introduced before 1492) and of more recently introduced aliens (i.e. neophytes, i.e. introduced after 1492) in 43 study sites (5 ha size) in forest remnants in a cultural landscape in eastern Austria.

We recorded 167 alien species (112 neophytes, 55 archaeophytes). There was a significant, yet moderate correlation between number of neophyte and archaeophyte species per site. Life form composition of archaeophytes differed substantially from that of neophytes: archaeophytes mostly were short-lived (76%) and long-lived (22%) herbs. For neophytes, life-form composition was much more even, with long-lived herbs being most abundant (36%), and all other life forms being similarly represented (21-23%). While the dominant pathway for archaeophytes was unintentional introduction (51 species), neophytes were mostly introduced by horticulture (90 species).

Year of first record in Austria, and the number of European regions a species has invaded highly significantly explain local invasion success, i.e. the number of invaded study sites. Further, the number of short-distance dispersal mechanisms highly significantly explained the number of invaded sites, while the number of long-distance dispersal mechanisms was insignificant. The maximum height of a species had also a significant positive influence on the number of invaded sites. Our results show that the composition of old and more recently introduced alien species in forests differs substantially in terms of regions of origin, life-form and pathways, and that basic species attributes contribute to local invasion success.



最近的研究表明,温带森林容易受到外来物种的入侵。然而,鲜为人知的是,诸如功能性状、大规模入侵成功(例如全球或欧洲)、停留时间和引入途径等物种属性如何相互作用,影响森林中外来物种的分布。在这里,我们分析了 43 个研究地点(5 公顷大小)在奥地利东部的文化景观。

我们记录了 167 种外来物种(112 种新植物,55 种古植物)。每个地点的新植物和古植物物种数量之间存在显着但中等的相关性。古植物的生命形式组成与新植物有很大不同:古植物大多是短命(76%)和长命(22%)草本植物。对于新手来说,生命形式的组成要均匀得多,长寿命的草药最为丰富(36%),所有其他生命形式的代表也相似(21-23%)。虽然古植物的主要途径是无意引入(51 种),但新植物主要是通过园艺引入的(90 种)。

