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Spatiotemporal integration of isolated binocular three-dimensional motion cues.
Journal of Vision ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-9-2 , DOI: 10.1167/jov.21.10.2
Jake A Whritner 1 , Thaddeus B Czuba 1 , Lawrence K Cormack 1 , Alexander C Huk 2

Two primary binocular cues-based on velocities seen by the two eyes or on temporal changes in binocular disparity-support the perception of three-dimensional (3D) motion. Although these cues support 3D motion perception in different perceptual tasks or regimes, stimulus cross-cue contamination and/or substantial differences in spatiotemporal structure have complicated interpretations. We introduce novel psychophysical stimuli which cleanly isolate the cues, based on a design introduced in oculomotor work (Sheliga, Quaia, FitzGibbon, & Cumming, 2016). We then use these stimuli to characterize and compare the temporal and spatial integration properties of velocity- and disparity-based mechanisms. On average, temporal integration of velocity-based cues progressed more than twice as quickly as disparity-based cues; performance in each pure-cue condition saturated at approximately 200 ms and approximately 500 ms, respectively. This temporal distinction suggests that disparity-based 3D direction judgments may include a post-sensory stage involving additional integration time in some observers, whereas velocity-based judgments are rapid and seem to be more purely sensory in nature. Thus, these two binocular mechanisms appear to support 3D motion perception with distinct temporal properties, reflecting differential mixtures of sensory and decision contributions. Spatial integration profiles for the two mechanisms were similar, and on the scale of receptive fields in area MT. Consistent with prior work, there were substantial individual differences, which we interpret as both sensory and cognitive variations across subjects, further clarifying the case for distinct sets of both cue-specific sensory and cognitive mechanisms. The pure-cue stimuli presented here lay the groundwork for further investigations of velocity- and disparity-based contributions to 3D motion perception.



两个主要的双眼线索(基于两只眼睛看到的速度或双眼视差的时间变化)支持三维 (3D) 运动的感知。尽管这些线索支持不同感知任务或机制中的 3D 运动感知,但刺激交叉线索污染和/或时空结构的实质性差异具有复杂的解释。我们基于动眼神​​经工作中引入的设计,引入了新颖的心理物理刺激,可以清晰地分离线索(Sheliga、Quaia、FitzGibbon 和 Cumming,2016)。然后,我们使用这些刺激来表征和比较基于速度和视差的机制的时间和空间积分特性。平均而言,基于速度的线索的时间整合进展速度是基于视差的线索的两倍多;每个纯提示条件下的性能分别在大约 200 毫秒和大约 500 毫秒时达到饱和。这种时间上的区别表明,基于视差的 3D 方向判断可能包括一个后感觉阶段,涉及一些观察者的额外积分时间,而基于速度的判断速度很快,并且本质上似乎更纯粹的感觉。因此,这两种双目机制似乎支持具有不同时间属性的 3D 运动感知,反映了感觉和决策贡献的差异混合。两种机制的空间整合概况相似,并且在 MT 区域的感受野规模上也相似。与之前的工作一致,存在显着的个体差异,我们将其解释为受试者之间的感觉和认知差异,进一步阐明了特定线索的感觉和认知机制的不同集合的情况。这里提出的纯提示刺激为进一步研究基于速度和视差的 3D 运动感知贡献奠定了基础。