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Forest Farming: Who Wants In?
Journal of Forestry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab023
Katie E Trozzo 1 , John F Munsell 2 , James L Chamberlain 3 , Michael A Gold 4 , Kim L Niewolny 1

Forest farming is an agroforestry practice defined as the intentional cultivation of nontimber forest products (NTFPs) underneath a forest canopy. Forest farming perspectives and preferences among family forest owners are generally understudied, particularly in Appalachia, where many marketable native NTFPs species are found. We surveyed Appalachian family forest owners in 14 Southwest Virginia counties about their interest in forest farming and likelihood of leasing land for this purpose. We also asked about the owner’s residency and historical connection to the region as well as contemporary land uses, and identified the following types of uses: absentee and vacationers, newcomers, longtime farming residents, and longtime nonfarming residents. We mailed 1,040 surveys and 293 were returned (28.9%). Forty-five percent were interested or extremely interested in forest farming and 36% were likely or extremely likely to lease land. Rates of interest in forest farming and leasing were similar across owner types, suggesting broad appeal among family forest owners.



森林农业是一种农林业实践,定义为在森林树冠下有意种植非木材林产品 (NTFP)。家庭森林所有者的林业观点和偏好通常未被充分研究,特别是在阿巴拉契亚地区,那里发现了许多可销售的原生 NTFP 物种。我们调查了弗吉尼亚州西南部 14 个县的阿巴拉契亚家庭森林所有者,了解他们对森林耕作的兴趣以及为此目的租赁土地的可能性。我们还询问了业主的居住地和与该地区的历史联系以及当代土地用途,并确定了以下用途类型:缺勤和度假者、新移民、长期农业居民和长期非农业居民。我们邮寄了 1,040 份调查问卷,其中 293 份被退回(28.9%)。45% 的人对森林农业感兴趣或非常感兴趣,36% 的人可能或极可能租用土地。不同所有者类型的森林耕作和租赁利率相似,这表明家庭森林所有者具有广泛的吸引力。