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Typifications in Spigelia (Loganiaceae) from Central and South America
Nordic Journal of Botany ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1111/njb.03233
Arthur Macedo 1 , Maria Teresa Buril 1

Nomenclatural issues are still present in the American genus Spigelia due to the absence of recent taxonomic revisions. In this study, we propose eight lectotypes and one neotype for Central and South American species. The protologues of Spigelia ambigua, S. asperifolia, S. brachystachya, S. cascatensis and S. riedeliana have no indication of the holotype herbarium, thus requiring lectotypifications. Spigelia beyrichiana var. breviflora and S. herzogiana were based on syntype gatherings and also require lectotypification. Spigelia stenocardia had its holotype destroyed in Berlin in 1943 and a lectotype is indicated here. The location of the type collection of S. beyrichiana is still unknown, therefore a neotype is hereby indicated.


来自中美洲和南美洲的 Spigelia (Loganiaceae) 的典型化

由于最近没有进行分类学修订,美国Spigelia属中仍然存在命名问题。在这项研究中,我们为中美洲和南美洲的物种提出了八种选型和一种新型。的protologues Spigelia ambiguaS. asperifoliaS.短穗S. cascatensisS. riedeliana没有模式标本植物标本的指示,因此需要lectotypifications。Spigelia beyrichiana var. brevifloraS. herzogiana基于同型收集,也需要选型。心绞痛1943 年在柏林销毁了它的正模,这里显示了一个选模。S. beyrichiana的类型集合的位置仍然未知,因此特此指出一个新类型。