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The antinomy of gehenna: Pavel Florensky's contribution to debates on hell and universalism
Scottish Journal of Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0036930621000405
Erica Ridderman 1

In The Pillar and Ground of the Truth Pavel Florensky presents an account of hell, or ‘Gehenna’, that synthesises two seemingly irreconcilable claims: that God will save all people, and that some people will reject God forever. In insisting that both claims are true, and by recasting standard categories of final judgement, purgation and human identity, Florensky produces a novel contribution in contemporary debates about hell and universalism. I begin by surveying his account, then address two key interpretive questions raised by his critics, and conclude by situating his account within modern western conversations.



《真理的支柱和基础》中,帕维尔·弗洛伦斯基 (Pavel Florensky) 描述了地狱或“地狱”,它综合了两个看似不可调和的主张:上帝将拯救所有人,而有些人将永远拒绝上帝。弗洛伦斯基坚持认为这两种说法都是正确的,并通过重新定义最终审判、净化和人类身份的标准类别,在当代关于地狱和普遍主义的辩论中做出了新的贡献。我首先调查他的叙述,然后解决他的批评者提出的两个关键的解释性问题,最后将他的叙述置于现代西方对话中。
