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A new assessment of the circulation of Atlantic and Intermediate Waters in the Eastern Mediterranean
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102673
Claude Estournel 1 , Patrick Marsaleix 1 , Caroline Ulses 1

A simulation of the Mediterranean circulation between 2011 and 2020 at a resolution of 3–4 km in the Eastern basin was compared to vertical profiles and horizontal distributions of temperature and salinity from Argo profilers distributed throughout the basin. The comparison is marked by high temporal (∼0.9) and spatial (0.6–0.8) correlations and low biases. Comparisons of SST with satellite imagery have also shown strong similarities for numerous structures over a wide range of spatial scales. The simulation is used to describe the mean circulation of surface Atlantic Waters and Intermediate Waters in winter and summer.

The surface circulation is cyclonic alongslope, stronger and more stable in winter. In summer, the current veins are sometimes interrupted and replaced by trains of eddies like in the South Ionian. In other cases, the current becomes very narrow and stuck to the coast as along the Ionian east coast or the Middle East coast. In winter, surface and Levantine Intermediate Waters exit from the Levantine mainly through the Aegean, while in summer, they exit westward south of Crete. The Aegean tends in summer to be isolated by eddies that develop on both sides of the Cretan Arc. The juxtaposition of Ierapetra, the Rhodes Gyre and the Mersa-Matruh Eddies produces a southward path across the Levantine basin at about 27 − 28°E which delimits a large cyclonic circulation to the east which tends to separate the two parts of the basin (west and east Levantine). Concerning the Levantine Intermediate Waters, the alongslope cyclonic circulation all around the Levantine basin in winter is no longer maintained in summer as a large anticyclonic circulation occupies the southeast of the basin. The intermediate waters entering the Ionian either through southern Crete in summer or through the Aegean in winter, are submitted to a strong northward, southward and even westward dispersion by Pelops and the nearby anticyclonic areas. The presence of recurrent anticyclones between 35 and 37°N along a band extending from west to east of the Ionian also produces a vertical dispersion of intermediate water. Finally, the circulation of intermediate water in the South Ionian is marked by an important seasonality with the presence in summer of a large anticyclonic circulation that seems to be wind induced and finally drives a secondary branch to the Sicily Channel. A climatology for the transport through the different straits is discussed and simplified representations of the circulation are proposed.



将 2011 年至 2020 年在东部盆地以 3-4 公里分辨率模拟的地中海环流模拟与来自分布在整个盆地的 Argo 剖面仪的垂直剖面和温度和盐度的水平分布进行了比较。比较的特点是高时间(~0.9)和空间(0.6-0.8)相关性和低偏差。SST 与卫星图像的比较也表明,在广泛的空间尺度范围内,许多结构具有很强的相似性。该模拟用于描述冬季和夏季大西洋表层水域和中间水域的平均环流。

地表环流为沿斜坡气旋,冬季更强更稳定。在夏季,当前的矿脉有时会中断,并被南爱奥尼亚地区的涡流序列所取代。在其他情况下,洋流变得非常狭窄并粘在海岸上,如爱奥尼亚东海岸或中东海岸。冬季,地表和黎凡特中间水域主要通过爱琴海从黎凡特流出,而在夏季,它们从克里特岛以南向西流出。爱琴海在夏季往往被克里特岛弧两侧形成的漩涡隔离。Ierapetra的并置,Rhodes Gyre 和 Mersa-Matruh Eddies 在大约 27 - 28°E 处产生一条穿过黎凡特盆地的南向路径,它界定了向东的大型气旋环流,该环流倾向于将盆地的两个部分(西部和东部黎凡特)分开。关于黎凡特中水,冬季黎凡特盆地周围的沿斜坡气旋环流在夏季不再保持,因为大型反气旋环流占据盆地东南部。夏季通过克里特岛南部或冬季通过爱琴海进入爱奥尼亚的中间水域,受到珀洛普斯和附近反气旋区域强烈的向北、向南甚至向西扩散的影响。在 35 到 37°N 之间沿着从爱奥尼亚向西延伸的带反复出现的反气旋也产生了中间水的垂直扩散。最后,南爱奥尼亚的中间水环流具有重要的季节性,夏季出现大型反气旋环流,似乎是由风引起的,最终将次级分支驱动到西西里海峡。讨论了通过不同海峡运输的气候学,并提出了环流的简化表示。南爱奥尼亚的中间水环流具有重要的季节性,夏季出现大型反气旋环流,似乎是由风引起的,最终将次级分支驱动到西西里海峡。讨论了通过不同海峡运输的气候学,并提出了环流的简化表示。南爱奥尼亚的中间水环流具有重要的季节性,夏季出现大型反气旋环流,似乎是由风引起的,最终将次级分支驱动到西西里海峡。讨论了通过不同海峡运输的气候学,并提出了环流的简化表示。
