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Moral Philosophy or Unphilosophic Morals?: A Critical Notice of Early Greek Ethics, edited by David Conan Wolfsdorf
Mind ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-30 , DOI: 10.1093/mind/fzab050
T H Irwin 1

This large volume of seven hundred pages contains thirty essays. The first twenty essays, on ‘Individuals and Texts’, cover Presocratic1 philosophers (Pythagoreans, Xenophanes, Heracleitus, Empedocles, Protagoras, Gorgias, Antiphon (two essays), Prodicus, Democritus, Critias, Anonymous Iamblichi, Dissoi Logoi), Socrates, early Plato, and contemporaries of Plato (Antisthenes (two essays), Aristippus, Xenophon, and Archytas). The next seven essays, on ‘Topics and Fields’, deal with ethical themes (for example, friendship and the teachability of virtue) and with some topics adjacent to ethics (ethnography, medicine, music, and the afterlife (two essays)). The last section (‘Coda’) contains three essays on authors who outlived Plato (Diogenes, Anaxarchus, and Aristoxenus).



这本七百页的大卷包含三十篇文章。前 20 篇关于“个人与文本”的论文涵盖了前苏格拉底时代1哲学家(毕达哥拉斯、色诺芬、赫拉克利特、恩培多克勒、普罗泰哥拉斯、高尔吉亚、安提丰(两篇论文)、普罗迪库斯、德谟克利特、克里蒂亚斯、匿名 Iamblichi、Dissoi Logoi)、苏格拉底、早期柏拉图和柏拉图同时代的论文(安提塞尼)(两篇)阿里斯提普斯、色诺芬和阿奇塔斯)。接下来的七篇关于“主题和领域”的文章涉及伦理主题(例如,友谊和美德的可教性)和一些与伦理相关的主题(民族志、医学、音乐和来世(两篇文章))。最后一部分(“尾声”)包含三篇关于比柏拉图更长寿的作者的文章(第欧根尼、阿那克萨克斯和阿里斯托克森)。