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Measuring Regional Performance in the Italian NHS: Are Disparities Decreasing?
Social Indicators Research ( IF 2.935 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11205-021-02775-8
Silvia Bruzzi 1 , Enrico Ivaldi 2, 3, 4 , Marta Santagata 1

Given the regional disparities that historically characterize the Italian context, in this paper we propose a framework to evaluate the regional health care systems’ performance in order to contribute to the debate on the relationship between decentralisation of health care and equity. To investigate the regional health systems performance, we refer to the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators project to construct of a set of five composite indexes. The composite indexes are built on the basis of the non-compensatory Adjusted Mazziotta-Pareto Index, that allows comparability of the data across units and over time. We propose three indexes of health system performance, namely Quality Index, Accessibility Index and Cost-Expenditure Index, along with a Health Status Index and a Lifestyles Index. Our framework highlights that regional disparities still persist. Consistently with the evidence at the institutional level, there are regions, particularly in Southern Italy, which record lower levels of performance with high levels of expenditure. Continuous research is needed to provide policy makers with appropriate data and tools to build a cohesive health care system for the benefit of the whole population. Even if future research is needed to integrate our framework with new indicators for the calculation of the indexes and with the identification of new indexes, the study shows that a scientific reflection on decentralisation of health systems is necessary in order to reduce inequalities.


衡量意大利 NHS 的区域绩效:差距在缩小吗?

鉴于历史上意大利背景下的地区差异,在本文中,我们提出了一个评估地区卫生保健系统绩效的框架,以促进关于卫生保健分权与公平之间关系的辩论。为了调查区域卫生系统的绩效,我们参考经合组织医疗保健质量指标项目来构建一组五个综合指标。综合指数建立在非补偿性调整后的 Mazziotta-Pareto 指数的基础上,该指数允许跨单位和跨时间的数据可比性。我们提出了卫生系统绩效的三个指数,即质量指数、可及性指数和成本支出指数,以及健康状况指数和生活方式指数。我们的框架强调区域差异仍然存在。与机构层面的证据一致,有些地区,特别是在意大利南部,记录的绩效水平较低,支出水平较高。需要持续研究,为政策制定者提供适当的数据和工具,以建立一个有凝聚力的医疗保健系统,造福全体人民。即使未来的研究需要将我们的框架与新的指标相结合,以计算指数并确定新的指数,但研究表明,为了减少不平等,有必要对卫生系统的权力下放进行科学反思。这记录了较低的绩效水平和高水平的支出。需要持续研究,为政策制定者提供适当的数据和工具,以建立一个有凝聚力的医疗保健系统,造福全体人民。即使未来的研究需要将我们的框架与新的指标相结合,以计算指数并确定新的指数,但研究表明,为了减少不平等,有必要对卫生系统的权力下放进行科学反思。这记录了较低的绩效水平和高水平的支出。需要持续研究,为政策制定者提供适当的数据和工具,以建立一个有凝聚力的医疗保健系统,造福全体人民。即使未来的研究需要将我们的框架与新的指标相结合,以计算指数并确定新的指数,但研究表明,为了减少不平等,有必要对卫生系统的权力下放进行科学反思。
