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Nations of bankers and Brexiteers? Nationalism and hidden money
Race & Class ( IF 2.977 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1177/03063968211033525
Kristín Loftsdóttir , Már Wolfgang Mixa

This article examines the relationship between nationalistic mobilisations, hidden funds and undisclosed campaign contributions, commonly known as dark money. Contextualising Brexit alongside the Icelandic economic crash of 2008 shows how nationalist mobilisation and racism can secure economic and political interests for a small minority and thus create space for what Zygmunt Bauman has called ‘evasion’ or ‘slippage’ as a primary technique of power in the present. Both the build-up to Brexit and the Icelandic economic crash were characterised by a strong national-centred rhetoric of ‘us-the-nation’ versus ‘others’ that diverted attention from massive minority interests, which had access to hidden funds. The Panama Papers showed that many of the same people celebrated in Iceland as the embodied representation of the country were simultaneously moving money into tax havens. Exposés have also revealed the way that dark money secretly funded campaigns using anti-migrant racism to facilitate the Brexiteers’ longer-term interests.



本文研究了民族主义动员、隐藏资金和未公开的竞选捐款(通常称为暗钱)之间的关系。将英国脱欧与 2008 年冰岛经济崩溃的背景联系起来,表明民族主义动员和种族主义如何能够确保少数人的经济和政治利益,从而为齐格蒙特·鲍曼所说的“逃避”或“滑点”创造空间,将其作为主要的权力技术。展示。英国退欧和冰岛经济崩溃的特点都是以国家为中心的“我们国家”与“其他人”的强烈言论,转移了对大规模少数利益的注意力,这些少数利益可以获得隐藏的资金。巴拿马文件显示,许多人在冰岛庆祝作为该国的具体代表同时将资金转移到避税天堂。Exposés 还揭示了黑钱利用反移民种族主义秘密资助竞选活动的方式,以促进 Brexiteers 的长期利益。
